
Showing posts with the label Racism

METAverse: A Cyberdump

 Over the past year, my Facebook, Instagram, and Threads accounts respectively have been either restricted or suspended for short periods of time allegedly because I abridged Meta (parent company of both social media platforms) terms of service (TOS). Since I responded with this blog, the accounts restrict everything I attempt to post. Doubtless a deliberate campaign fostered by some anonymous, pimply-faced, Incel masquarading as a nerd, trying to curry favor with Suckersberg who would not know the employee's name if it smacked him in his smug pusser. In all the instances, I merely responded to either a provocative or implicitly racist post by catfishing settler-colonists masquerading as an original man or woman with a “locked” profile: a profile without a photograph in a space (i.e., group or page) “Kevin Samuels Official Discussion Group” to name one of many targeted to or focused on the issues of Black folks. Once ferreted out, the confederates of these settler-colonists, would ...

Ghouliani: A Tale of Comeuppance

Rudy Ghouliani was a monster during his brutal tenure as Mayor of NYC, which was augured in by a riot that he incited with off-duty white cops shouting invectives with reckless abandon: hurling racial pejoratives like "nigger" and "washboy" at the incumbent Black NYC mayor, David Dinkins. The first Black man to hold the esteemed office. The riot grew rapidly with alarmed, risk-adverse, and highly-political, NYPD brass dispatching "white shirts" (NYPD line command staff to put it down by threatening the off-duty cops with arrest if they did not disperse). It was an insurrection before the J6 insurrection that one of his biggest fans during that infamous period reprised during his loss to Joe Biden in 2020. He promptly micromanaged all of his top aids most notably Education Commissioner Rudy Crews, who he initially praised to high heaven, right out of office instituting a "broken windows" approach to law enforcement to curb crime in the largest cit...

Black Feminism: A thorn in the side of the Black family

A Black commentator made an interesting, provocative analysis about Black women in a recent podcast. He suggested that the hosts of another well-regarded podcast with two black female (neither of whom are married) and one black male (who is married) host "cryin" over Kamala Harris' loss, invective against the Democratic donor class, who are primarily wealthy, white Jewry out to also protect their whiteness, and sense of betrayal by white women is either misguided or born of naïveté or both. The commentator suggests the sisters along with their contemporaries are victims of their own choosing because they brought into [white] feminism hook, line, and sinker along with those $1,000, 8' long cadaver weaves they fling around unashamedly like vain, adolescent, white girls in a pathetic ode to white supremacy. They fucked around and found out that white feminism was just that exclusively "white."  The Women's Liberation Movement was fostered by young, white, l...

Dictates of a dictator

 While we're rightfully bemoaning tRump's triumphant reemergence as the first convicted criminal to become president, we have not seriously considered its lasting ramifications. The primary one is what happens when all of the lapdogs in the Executive and Legislature have to confront an unhinged, unmoored, and unrestrained tRump defying a Supreme Court order attempting to reign him... The very same Supreme Court that has granted conservatives a veritable wish list, a unilateral wet dream, of regressive decisions rolling back decades of precedent, losing its own identity in the process, along with any modicum of respect as a consequence. Don't think it could happen? I say 'when' not 'if' it happens, what will the country looks like after the final Grand Oaf Party controlled bulwarks fail🙄I guarantee MAGA will immediate repeal all of the Civil Rights Acts, the Social Security Act, AFDC, ACA, and then start dismantling the Reconstruction - i.e., 13th, 14th, and...

All Causes are not our cause...

 Gaza is a fait accompli. The world community has thrown in the towel allowing a scorched earth campaign by the Zionists to eradicate the hapless, helpless, and hungry Palestinians. Apparently the surrounding  Arab countries do not give af. Why should we (as Black folks care)? The tRump administration will pipeline the gasoline from Saudi Arabia to Nut N' Yahoo to fuel the total elimination of the remaining elderly, infirmed, women and children. North Africans and people from the Middle East immigrating to the United States - including the Palestinians - are classified as "white." More importantly, they realize that asperation like 80% in Dearborn (MI) did by casting their votes for stinky without the brain (who told these Muslims that he plans on reimplementing the infamous Muslim ban) on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Black folks who are not well-off, well-heeled, or wealthy like 50 Cents or Kodac Black or Waka flocka or any other numbskull rapper supporting chump the brain...

The Democrat Party is not the party of, for, or by Black Folks

I do not care about immigrants, period. I do not care about white women, period. I do not care about Latinos who identify as either "white" or white adjacent, period. No other progressive Black ought to either. And until the Democrats understand this fact, we will continue trying to court these ungrateful constituencies. Ones that showed their collective asses on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, by overwhelming voting for chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown. I am more concerned about the federal merit system (civil service) where Blacks over index in GS-03 through GS-18 items; Article III court judge appointments (and centrist Democrat senators like Fetterman cross party lines to confirm radical, right wing ideologues because the "country must move forward" or some other rationalization), the Attorney General, DOJ, Department of Education and the social safety net. Those cabinet level appointments will directly and adversely impact our commun...

Holding Space

  We have been holding "space" in this country since before our forced immigration here over 400 hundred years ago. The generational trauma to our collective psyche has some of US identifying with our oppressor (Stockholme syndrome) in the vain hope that whitey will be less brutal, release some pressure from his size thirteen jackboot on our necks, while others take an opposite stance. I am personally done because my anger is not directed toward whitey for doing what they do to preserve their 200 year headstart. My angst is directed at deaf, dumb, and blind Black folk who refuse to rise up collectively to effectively push back against the oppression because they are "not all that racist," or "maybe tRump needs to come back," or "I had more money under tRump", or whatever other bizarre rationalizations they can conjure up in their pea brain for supporting a documented bigot. The fact of the matter is chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka ...

Candace Owens Not Welcomed At The Cookout

Candice Owens is attractive and articulate, which makes her a compelling, believable young Black woman but also a mercenary one whose Black card has been revoked. Owens mixes broad, sweeping generalizations with hackneyed, racial stereotypes into a bubbling cauldron of odoriferous conspiracy theories she seasons liberally with skewed facts from dubious sources that she fervently clings to like a dog with a bone in spite of evidence to the contrary. Fortunately, in spite of her surprise appearance on the Breakfast Club, her star has fallen against the backdrop of fallout stemming from her righteous indignation of white European Zionists masquerading as Semitic Israelis. Owens spoke out critically about their genocidal campaign against the Palestinians in Gaza while saying nothing about the equally difficult conflict in Congo. One that is driven by avaricious American and European interests seeking to exploit its mineral wealth by destabilizing the country (with considerable anecdotal ev...

Crisfield, MD

   Last year, an utterly impotent Crisfield City Council by simple majority could have voted to compel the city to continue providing water -- after I complained that the city treasurer attempted to levy an outrageous, unaffordable lump sum $5,500 connection fee upon me. But the council over run as it is with bumbling, stumbling and compromised Negroes craving adoration, affection, and affirmation from whitey, too busy slopping greedily at the trough of supremacy, could barely summon the energy to lift their nappy heads; thick, greasy lips; and, stained clerical collars, dripping with Massa’s scraps, long enough to address the inequity.    Fat, sleek, and well fed at the expense of conscious black folk, who are much leaner through deprivation. The naïve souls who elected these ineffectual apparatchiks to the council with the hope that they would represent our interests in a hostile Republican stronghold had finally had enough. In my case, these pet Negroes permitte...


Accommodationists [Negroes] are as bad if not worse than white Liberals. These compromised blacks see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; or, realize any dichotomy accommodating white supremacy (no moral ambiguity or contradictions in how institutional racism plays out perniciously on the broader African American community). They personally benefit from being good boys and girls (no self-respecting person would chemically bleach their skin or straighten their 'locs; looking ridiculous with unnatural, pastel-colored hair, to meet some impossible, implausible Eurocentric standard of beauty... They slavishly crave adoration, affection, and affirmation ("you're different from the rest...") from whitey. And they greedily slop at the trough of white supremacy, raising their nappy (or "processed") heads and thick, greasy lips dripping with whitey's largesse, only long enough to gaze longingly, fondly at Massa who has allowed him or her access to urine, spitt...

Bernie Who?

Bernie Sanders is a counter-culture, anti-hero, masked as a grumpy, elderly flavor of the week for privileged, young white romantics. He grudgingly suspended his campaign last week after his latest (and final) presidential aspirations were u nceremoniously thwarted by South Carolina Democrats; a critical core constituency in the Democratic establishment; one whose political ascendancy threatens to supplant Iowa and New Hampshire's traditional moorings as reliable prognosticators for the Democratic presidential nomination. The black voters in SC pragmatically rallied around  an old skool liberal named Joe Biden in an unusual act of defiance and self-preservation, whose benign racism and notorious sexism enables him to facilely navigate diverse constituencies with competing interests, who they know can get s... done.  Implicit in the endorsement is the promise to maintain the Democratic status quo. Bernie does not work well with others. Biden does, however. He was a pariah in...

A Faustian Choice

Democrats are in a tough situation. Align themselves with a Socialist Democrat with the winds in his sail, or allow a mediocre politico, who purchased a third (unlawful) mayoralty after terming out as mayor of NYC, to now buy the democratic nomination for president ... 

chump and the banana state

Donald John Trump has brutally ripped the façade of democracy off the body politic for the entire world to see. America has become a failed state; a banana republic, that no longer enjoys a moral imperative; one we once took for granted. It abandons its allies while embracing its enemies; imprisons minorities it wishes to control while discriminating against those it cannot. Elected officials buy their way into office while well-heeled criminals buy their way out of prison. And corporations are “similarly situated…” The final nail in the remains of our representative democracy was banged into the coffin by the total capitulation of the Senate. It cynically voted in unqualified judges to lifetime appointments on Article III courts; and, refused to vote bipartisan legislation by the lower house into law; or, hold 45 accountable for his treachery. We no longer live in a free, open, and fair society -- if ever we did. And we can thank 45 and his henchmen for savagely disabusing us of th...
notice how all the so-called "legitimate" blacks - i.e., Stephen A. Smith and Jay-Z - are the first one to attack Kaep? This is how whitey employs Negroes to further his aims of oppressing us...

Rodney Reed

This is the end (pun intended) result of a big black brute defiling a beautiful, virtuous, white maiden... beauty and the beast... ...the King Kong metaphors converging like thieves in the dark... the dark clutches of whitey engaged in yet another state-sponsored lynching of a black man; an innocent man who will soon breathe a gargled breath as he returns to the warm embrace of the ancestors...

Botham Jean: The Aftermath...

..the family of Botham Jean can express their humanity however misguided in whatever fashion they so choose. But those two aunts Jeminas saw in her conviction, not a murderer, but as mammies... a frail, vulnerable, white maiden needing comfort and solace from those mean black people... Let's be honest... The bailiff using the moment to touch the long silky blond hair (wearing the cheap flea-bitten wig she had on that she should've been embarrassed to leave the house with...) she secretly craves; and, the Judge, using the moment to naively cast aside her office to ostensibly proselytize to a racist murder (but wanted to comfort like a mammy of old losing the victim in this an outrageous display of affection) shows that some of us are walking around "deaf, dumb, and blind..." Ain't no future in cooning and buffooning, though... And rest assured the Judge Tammy Kemp’s career came to a screeching halt and abrupt stop... as it well ought to...

Mourning the passing of Eddie Ellis

  New York City generally and Brooklyn particularly has long been unaffordable for all but the most inveterate city-dwellers. So, after graduate school at Buffalo State College, I sought my fortune elsewhere; first, in Delaware before settling in Maryland (where I now live - albeit tenuously - on the Eastern Shore. And though that is little excuse for no longer listening to WBAI, after station management inscrutably cancelled the “Caldwell Chronicles,” the inexplicable cancellation became my line in the sand nonetheless. And I lost interest in ‘BAI programming. So, when I learned that famed radio personality Bob Law now hosted a show – i.e., “On the Streets” - on Saturday mornings, I returned grudgingly to the station line-up to listen.    I tuned in a tad bit early because the NAN livestream with Rev. Al Sharpton was winding down. “On the Count” was doing its outro and something the current host said alarmed me. He referenced producer and host Eddie Ellis in the pa...

"shithole countries"

January 12, 2018 African Union Headquarters Ebba Kalondo, Spokesperson P.O. Box 3243 | Roosvelt Street (Old Airport Area) | W21K19 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 | Fax:(251) 11 551 78 44 | Webmaster: Dear Madame Kalondo, As the African Union is well aware, the remarks attributed to the imposter at 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue known widely as 'chump the brain-dead, comic carnival barker a/k/a klueless the klown' are not representative of how the vast majority of Americans feel about Africans. While we value diversity, 23% of the populace who voted for this abomination see pluralism in starker, more nihilistic terms. And for that small minority - i.e., lunatic fringe - of the American populace, I sincerely apologize to my beloved brothers and sisters in Africa. We are blood kin. And this unforgivable assault on Africans throughout the Diaspora violates all standards of decency. I remain, Sincere...