
Showing posts with the label bigot

Bucks County Cesspool: A Parting Shit

 The $2,100 ransom that the defendant has been coerced to pay under threat (aggravated by a bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling bedraggled, slovenly, indolent, disheveled lying court-appointed lawyer wearing shoes so worn out and, as such, rolled over, he must have had to lay down to put 'em on, unable or unwilling to provide effective assistance of counsel) of incarceration has been paid in full.  Do not contact or threaten this alleged defendant anymore, period. This jurisdiction has no further official business cognizable by common, state or federal law with the defendant. He is not seeking any further post-conviction relief. Leave him alone.  The defendant is resigned to take the "L" - the loss like a boss. He has paid the terms (dearly) for being held hostage in full  - imperiled by unprofessional threats to his life and his liberty, both. He will not tolerate any further officious, presumptuous, or unethical subordinate court clerical personnel or anyone else in this

Paula Price...

The Somerset County Attorney enjoys a cozy relationship with state court staff that may be an actionable conflict of interest. In my civil case, subordinate clerical staff unethically, unlawfully tampered with pleadings, made untruthful statements to a sitting state court judge in spontaneous statements during a recorded civil court proceeding; materially caused procedural defaults on three (3) timely, properly filed appeals from an inept, stumbling, bumbling, and mumbling (literally) state Circuit Court judge's unconstitutional, unlawful orders, who must've been rolled out of mothballs in a wheelchair from some assisted living facility in the swamps or backwaters of the Eastern Shore just to hear the case, cackling like a hen and laughing it up with Simpleton at my expense as case-in-point. They could have spared everyone the charade: the time and expense by propping up an animated corpse, fitted with the requisite electric leads and connected a car battery, to preside over th