
Showing posts with the label MAGA

Too Stupid To Know How Stupid They Are...

  I just love it when some OCD Magalomaniac or Libertarian dupe decides to play human on social media... It is no longer shameless to be shameful. Anti-intellectualism has become a superpower. And with it there goes the slippery slide to moral relativism with trumpty dumpty soiling the slide on his way down into the rabbit hole with his lemmings in close pursuit.

Black Magalomianiacs: This One Is For You...

...chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown has directed the USDOJ to sue colleges and universities that teach "Black History." The patently unlawful order abridges a fundamental tenet of the academy, which is "academic freedom": A raison d'être of higher education at PWIs since their inception in the states in the mid 1600s. Stinky without the Brain stole a page from a worn playbook written by Ron DeSantis, with little or no pushback from Florida based HBCUs like Bethune-Cookman University, Edward Waters University, Florida A&M University and Florida Memorial University. Well-fed, well-heeled, not on welfare; fat, sleek, and comfortable Black PhDs plying their trade in the hallowed halls of the academy, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, apparently did not get the memo, however. They were too busy supping greedily at the slop trough of white liberal guilt to lift their professionally coiffed locks, wigs, or weaves, lips g...

Okey-doke: The Shell Game

 Not to worry. The tattered remnants of the Grand Oaf Party will emerge like a specter from the ashes of our moribund democracy to push back against trumpty dumpty's authoritarian yearnings once chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown starts the wholesale dismantling of the intelligence community (which has been eerily silent knowing tRump is a spy at best, a Manchurian candidate at worse), breaking long-standing treaties like NATO, the Abraham Accords, and the Paris Climate Treaty; green lights China's annexation of Taiwan, destabilizes the 27 resource-rich Sub-Saharan African [read that: "shithole"] countries on an industrial scale enabling his billionaire buddies to exploit these countries free of interference by popular, democratically elected leaders, while giving Israel free reign to totally decimate the Palestinians. The internal strife, the civil war, coupled by a House prayfully led by Hakeem Jeffries will render MAGA impotent after ...

Bucks County Cesspool: A Parting Shit

 The $2,100 ransom that the defendant has been coerced to pay under threat (aggravated by a bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling bedraggled, slovenly, indolent, disheveled lying court-appointed lawyer wearing shoes so worn out and, as such, rolled over, he must have had to lay down to put 'em on, unable or unwilling to provide effective assistance of counsel) of incarceration has been paid in full.  Do not contact or threaten this alleged defendant anymore, period. This jurisdiction has no further official business cognizable by common, state or federal law with the defendant. He is not seeking any further post-conviction relief. Leave him alone.  The defendant is resigned to take the "L" - the loss like a boss. He has paid the terms (dearly) for being held hostage in full  - imperiled by unprofessional threats to his life and his liberty, both. He will not tolerate any further officious, presumptuous, or unethical subordinate court clerical personnel or anyone else in ...

Was Trump's Assasination Staged

The famously failed assassination attempt yesterday on trump at a rally in Butler (PA) is riddled with unanswered questions that invite conspiracy theories at the barber shops and in the hair salons. 20-year-old Thomas Mathew Crooks was a classic Incel graduated from a small high school in an affluent suburb located south of Pittsburgh (PA) in 2022. Crooks was also white. A registered Republican not a DEI hire with a "Black job," whose job description including shooting unarmed agent provocateurs including those like trump. Unlike 99 % of young folks his age, Crooks had virtually no social media presence. He did not leave a manifesto. And he had no history of being anything other than a second amendment enthusiast who preferred donning hunting gear to torn jeans while in school, which made him a loner in the unforgiving environment that characterizes American high schools. Preliminary investigations included a search of his parent's home, where authorities allege that the...

The Supremely Corrupt Court: The Immunity Deal

The immunity deal bestowed upon convicted felon Donald J. Trump by the US Supreme Court on Monday, July 1, 2024, like a beribboned get-out-of-jail-free card, is a complete re-imagining (unimaginable really) of presidential authorities under Article 2 of the US Constitution. The immunity deal grants a treasonous, corrupt, former US president monarch-like powers never envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. The immunity deal would enable Stinky without the Brain to nationalize the state guards unleashing heavily-armed, poorly-trained civilian-solidiers on "Democrat-controlled" cities like a plague with "shoot to kill" orders. It would be reminiscent of the infamous Kent State University (Ohio) massacre all over again - and again and again and again. The shameless man child who has cynically turned "Palestinian" into an ethnic slur would cut all humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. He would  ship Israel the most lethal weapons imaginable; allowing the...