
Showing posts with the label martial arts

The Use Of Deadly Force Is State Sponsored Violence The point being missed here is that dangerous animals are subdued without injury after wandering into populated areas all the time. The bottom line is that from the video, it clearly shows the cops are untrained. They allowed an inebriated suspect to disarm one officer. And turned a routine arrest into a deadly altercation. You being untrained and unable to subdue me using hand-to-hand combat is your fault; and, that of the agency who employs you. I believe all police should be disarmed and made to become proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Dr. Jerry Beasley, 9th Dan, and one of the world's foremost martial art educators at Radford University (VA) developed such a curriculum, which is highly regarded in the federal law enforcement communities. But law enforcement agencies can return to the old marine corp hand-to-hand combat field manual. The te...

Alufa jagunjagun

Creed of of the (Warrior-Monk) alufa jagunjagun We are the alufa jagunjagun We teach, while others learn We pray, while others plead We watch, while others look We listen, while others talk We eat to live, while others live to eat We abstain, while others indulge We train, while others play We rest, while others sleep We remain vigilant, while other remain insensate We defend, when others offend Our creator, our people, our women, our children To these things we dedicate our lives  And we vow to live and die with honor, courage, humility and discipline This is the sacred creed of the Alufa jagunjagun that we now vow Àmín

A Warrior's Instinct

About his seminal life changing tome, "The Warrior Diet," Ori Hofmeklern says "its breaks all the rules and shallow-minded restrictions placed on [us] by society. Thousands of years ago, these warriors were common. They lived entirely by instincts. In fact, whole societies were [comprised] of warrior clans. They spent days defending their lives. They moved from place to place, never stopped long enough to settle down. Generally, they only sat down to eat one meal a day, and that was always at night after the battles had been fought. Their bodies were lean and hard. Their instincts were honed to perfection.” I have never read anything - except maybe by action adventure writer Eric Van Lustbader - that has come as close to characterizing my life and style, which I live unapologically. We have lost our natural instincts and impulses, which is why we modern day humans have become prey… of lethargy, conspicuous consumption, debauchery, idolatry or to those with intent of tak...