
Accommodationists [Negroes] are as bad if not worse than white Liberals. These compromised blacks see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil; or, realize any dichotomy accommodating white supremacy (no moral ambiguity or contradictions in how institutional racism plays out perniciously on the broader African American community). They personally benefit from being good boys and girls (no self-respecting person would chemically bleach their skin or straighten their 'locs; looking ridiculous with unnatural, pastel-colored hair, to meet some impossible, implausible Eurocentric standard of beauty... They slavishly crave adoration, affection, and affirmation ("you're different from the rest...") from whitey. And they greedily slop at the trough of white supremacy, raising their nappy (or "processed") heads and thick, greasy lips dripping with whitey's largesse, only long enough to gaze longingly, fondly at Massa who has allowed him or her access to urine, spittle, or fecal contaminated scraps not because he or she is exceptional. But because s/he has learned how to beg, bow, scratch, itch, scuffle, skin, grin, coon, and buffoon for whitey while oppressing black folks harder than anyone ....

Accommodationist: one who adapts to or compromises with an opposing view especially: a black person who adapts to the ideals or attitudes of white people.


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