
Showing posts with the label white privilege

Bucks County Cesspool: A Parting Shit

 The $2,100 ransom that the defendant has been coerced to pay under threat (aggravated by a bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling bedraggled, slovenly, indolent, disheveled lying court-appointed lawyer wearing shoes so worn out and, as such, rolled over, he must have had to lay down to put 'em on, unable or unwilling to provide effective assistance of counsel) of incarceration has been paid in full.  Do not contact or threaten this alleged defendant anymore, period. This jurisdiction has no further official business cognizable by common, state or federal law with the defendant. He is not seeking any further post-conviction relief. Leave him alone.  The defendant is resigned to take the "L" - the loss like a boss. He has paid the terms (dearly) for being held hostage in full  - imperiled by unprofessional threats to his life and his liberty, both. He will not tolerate any further officious, presumptuous, or unethical subordinate court clerical personnel or anyone else in this

Bernie Who?

Bernie Sanders is a counter-culture, anti-hero, masked as a grumpy, elderly flavor of the week for privileged, young white romantics. He grudgingly suspended his campaign last week after his latest (and final) presidential aspirations were u nceremoniously thwarted by South Carolina Democrats; a critical core constituency in the Democratic establishment; one whose political ascendancy threatens to supplant Iowa and New Hampshire's traditional moorings as reliable prognosticators for the Democratic presidential nomination. The black voters in SC pragmatically rallied around  an old skool liberal named Joe Biden in an unusual act of defiance and self-preservation, whose benign racism and notorious sexism enables him to facilely navigate diverse constituencies with competing interests, who they know can get s... done.  Implicit in the endorsement is the promise to maintain the Democratic status quo. Bernie does not work well with others. Biden does, however. He was a pariah in the