
Showing posts with the label Donald J. Trump

Too Stupid To Know How Stupid They Are...

  I just love it when some OCD Magalomaniac or Libertarian dupe decides to play human on social media... It is no longer shameless to be shameful. Anti-intellectualism has become a superpower. And with it there goes the slippery slide to moral relativism with trumpty dumpty soiling the slide on his way down into the rabbit hole with his lemmings in close pursuit.

The Supremely Corrupt Court: The Immunity Deal

The immunity deal bestowed upon convicted felon Donald J. Trump by the US Supreme Court on Monday, July 1, 2024, like a beribboned get-out-of-jail-free card, is a complete re-imagining (unimaginable really) of presidential authorities under Article 2 of the US Constitution. The immunity deal grants a treasonous, corrupt, former US president monarch-like powers never envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. The immunity deal would enable Stinky without the Brain to nationalize the state guards unleashing heavily-armed, poorly-trained civilian-solidiers on "Democrat-controlled" cities like a plague with "shoot to kill" orders. It would be reminiscent of the infamous Kent State University (Ohio) massacre all over again - and again and again and again. The shameless man child who has cynically turned "Palestinian" into an ethnic slur would cut all humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. He would  ship Israel the most lethal weapons imaginable; allowing the...

"shithole countries"

January 12, 2018 African Union Headquarters Ebba Kalondo, Spokesperson P.O. Box 3243 | Roosvelt Street (Old Airport Area) | W21K19 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 | Fax:(251) 11 551 78 44 | Webmaster: Dear Madame Kalondo, As the African Union is well aware, the remarks attributed to the imposter at 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue known widely as 'chump the brain-dead, comic carnival barker a/k/a klueless the klown' are not representative of how the vast majority of Americans feel about Africans. While we value diversity, 23% of the populace who voted for this abomination see pluralism in starker, more nihilistic terms. And for that small minority - i.e., lunatic fringe - of the American populace, I sincerely apologize to my beloved brothers and sisters in Africa. We are blood kin. And this unforgivable assault on Africans throughout the Diaspora violates all standards of decency. I remain, Sincere...