Crisfield, MD

   Last year, an utterly impotent Crisfield City Council by simple majority could have voted to compel the city to continue providing water -- after I complained that the city treasurer attempted to levy an outrageous, unaffordable lump sum $5,500 connection fee upon me. But the council over run as it is with bumbling, stumbling and compromised Negroes craving adoration, affection, and affirmation from whitey, too busy slopping greedily at the trough of supremacy, could barely summon the energy to lift their nappy heads; thick, greasy lips; and, stained clerical collars, dripping with Massa’s scraps, long enough to address the inequity.
   Fat, sleek, and well fed at the expense of conscious black folk, who are much leaner through deprivation. The naïve souls who elected these ineffectual apparatchiks to the council with the hope that they would represent our interests in a hostile Republican stronghold had finally had enough. In my case, these pet Negroes permitted (hat-in-hand, skinning, grinning, cooning, and buffooning), the bigots on Main street to oppress a conscious black man out of pure self-interest. Not content to disconnect “running water,” they added insult to injury,  by remaining firmly “in their place,” as a rogue employee named Starr Mister with Somerset County Sanitary Commission summoned the Sheriff’s office to provide an escort for the Somerset County Sanitary Commission worker who removed the meter (to ensure the water could not be turned back on) allegedly to “keep the peace.” He blocked traffic on Freedomtown Road, looking ominously over at my trailer, defying me to come out, hand on pistol, while the worker went about his dastardly task.
   And this is what whitey with the tacit consent of her pet Negroes does. Not content to merely oppress, she wants to grind you down, reducing any shred of humanity to dust, under her jackboot, causing permanent injury (like they did in the lynching of George Floyd on Memorial’s Day) and intentional embarrassment. The indignity visited upon me on that day was meaningless to these Negroes. If they deigned to respond to the outrage, they did so by offering little more than gratuitous advice, vague generalities, empty platitudes, and false promises instead of tangible assistance to the corruption suffered by me as I attempted to obtain basic services.
   I am encouraged and gratified that some conscious stakeholders in Crisfield saw fit to end the disastrous, co-opted, and wholly ineffectual tenures of a few of these pet Negroes on Friday. These cowed blacks pose an immediate threat to progressivism. The fact that one is the first Negro elected to county-wide position in 344 years should motivate a conscious man to do more, not less, instead of resting comfortably on his laurels and, by extension, tenuous place in history.
   Unfortunately, these people neglect to remember what Jesus the Christ taught us about the “least of those” in Matthew 25:40-45 NIV; KJV. And like the Jews of old, these modern-day Pharisees and Sadducees: hypocrites whose ministry is marked not by service and devotion, but by status and acclaim, rush into the temple to claim the most prominent bench enabling them to be seen by all as pious -- loudly, publicly worshiping, proclaiming their undying devotion to God.
   The citizens of Crisfield saw through this duplicity on Friday, however. Through activism, protest, and agitation, bold, dynamic, and progressive black folks are exposing and ousting these Negroes strutting around aimlessly, like haughty peacocks whose breasts are poked out, filled with pride and arrogance, consorting with whitey, noticeably cloaked albeit hypocritically in the garb of religiosity giving the imprimatur of normality to bigotry, in our communities. All they do is sit up on high, looking down on low, working hand-in-glove with whitey to oppress us.

   Our youths are in the streets throughout the country, fed-up with these timid, cowed, conciliatory, compromised, and unconscious Negroes looking to build their personal brand on our bowed backs. And we are exposing and relegating them to the scrap bin of irrelevancy where they can do no harm. Friday was a good start. Hopefully, a new beginning.


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