
Showing posts with the label Eastern District of New York

Mr. Eric Nicholas Vitaliano, 40 Laurie Ct, Staten Island NY 10304-2900

Flagrantly carrying water for an influential opposing party - e.g., characterizing the answering party’s brief as “commendably thorough” while casting the moving party's colorfully pleaded brief as "piecemeal" – brazenly breaches the boundaries of ethics, fair play and impartiality. Adding insult to injury by taking the aggrieved party to task with thinly veiled threats for exercising his constitutionally (a right obviously lost on a jurist who presides tenuously over an Article III court or Court of “Equity” whose raison d' etre is supposed to rest solidly on this premise) protected right of redress for grievance pursuant to the first amendment is inexcusable in an adversarial system of justice, though. And this “Judge” (with his unmerited lifetime appointment) can best spend the waning years of ignominy oppressing impecunious litigants by studying exceptional examples of the federal judiciary like Judge Leon Sullivan on the District of Columbia bench - instead of