Dictates of a dictator

 While we're rightfully bemoaning tRump's triumphant reemergence as the first convicted criminal to become president, we have not seriously considered its lasting ramifications. The primary one is what happens when all of the lapdogs in the Executive and Legislature have to confront an unhinged, unmoored, and unrestrained tRump defying a Supreme Court order attempting to reign him... The very same Supreme Court that has granted conservatives a veritable wish list, a unilateral wet dream, of regressive decisions rolling back decades of precedent, losing its own identity in the process, along with any modicum of respect as a consequence. Don't think it could happen? I say 'when' not 'if' it happens, what will the country looks like after the final Grand Oaf Party controlled bulwarks fail🙄I guarantee MAGA will immediate repeal all of the Civil Rights Acts, the Social Security Act, AFDC, ACA, and then start dismantling the Reconstruction - i.e., 13th, 14th, and 15th - amendments. Think this is farfetched? Hyperbole? Why? Just look at chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown's wack cabinet. Not one single one of these folks, mediocrities all, have managed large complex bureaucracies, which means they are figureheads, placeholders, with trumpty dumpty as puppet master pulling their strings, and yanking their chains (when they try to exercise agency), directly issuing illegal orders to agencies whose administrative rule impacts every aspect of American life in a perverse manifestation of the unified executive theory. More to come later. Stand by...


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