
Showing posts with the label Unrest


   Linkedin is a professional social networking platform that is usually considered sacrosanct: a safe haven, typically off-limits for discussions of a political, religious, or social nature, which can lead to recriminations, declinations, or even disciplinary actions, for members posting objectionable, provocative, or antagonistic content. The fact that so many members have chosen to not merely dip in their big toe, but take a deep dive into the issues surrounding the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on Memorial's Day (ironically a day when newly freed slaves, dug up the remains of Union soldiers killed in action, that the Confederates buried unceremoniously in mass graves, and properly reburied in marked - if unnamed graves - in gratitude for the Union soldiers having fought for their freedom) demonstrate that the fragile facade of civility has been irreparably ripped off the social contract. People are boldly and publicly taking sides – unconcerned about the consequences