
Showing posts with the label Somerset County

Paula Price...

The Somerset County Attorney enjoys a cozy relationship with state court staff that may be an actionable conflict of interest. In my civil case, subordinate clerical staff unethically, unlawfully tampered with pleadings, made untruthful statements to a sitting state court judge in spontaneous statements during a recorded civil court proceeding; materially caused procedural defaults on three (3) timely, properly filed appeals from an inept, stumbling, bumbling, and mumbling (literally) state Circuit Court judge's unconstitutional, unlawful orders, who must've been rolled out of mothballs in a wheelchair from some assisted living facility in the swamps or backwaters of the Eastern Shore just to hear the case, cackling like a hen and laughing it up with Simpleton at my expense as case-in-point. They could have spared everyone the charade: the time and expense by propping up an animated corpse, fitted with the requisite electric leads and connected a car battery, to preside over th

Crisfield, MD

   Last year, an utterly impotent Crisfield City Council by simple majority could have voted to compel the city to continue providing water -- after I complained that the city treasurer attempted to levy an outrageous, unaffordable lump sum $5,500 connection fee upon me. But the council over run as it is with bumbling, stumbling and compromised Negroes craving adoration, affection, and affirmation from whitey, too busy slopping greedily at the trough of supremacy, could barely summon the energy to lift their nappy heads; thick, greasy lips; and, stained clerical collars, dripping with Massa’s scraps, long enough to address the inequity.    Fat, sleek, and well fed at the expense of conscious black folk, who are much leaner through deprivation. The naïve souls who elected these ineffectual apparatchiks to the council with the hope that they would represent our interests in a hostile Republican stronghold had finally had enough. In my case, these pet Negroes permitted (hat-in-hand, ski