
Showing posts with the label Africa

Alufa jagunjagun

Creed of of the (Warrior-Monk) alufa jagunjagun We are the alufa jagunjagun We teach, while others learn We pray, while others plead We watch, while others look We listen, while others talk We eat to live, while others live to eat We abstain, while others indulge We train, while others play We rest, while others sleep We remain vigilant, while other remain insensate We defend, when others offend Our creator, our people, our women, our children To these things we dedicate our lives  And we vow to live and die with honor, courage, humility and discipline This is the sacred creed of the Alufa jagunjagun that we now vow Àmín

"shithole countries"

January 12, 2018 African Union Headquarters Ebba Kalondo, Spokesperson P.O. Box 3243 | Roosvelt Street (Old Airport Area) | W21K19 | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 | Fax:(251) 11 551 78 44 | Webmaster: Dear Madame Kalondo, As the African Union is well aware, the remarks attributed to the imposter at 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue known widely as 'chump the brain-dead, comic carnival barker a/k/a klueless the klown' are not representative of how the vast majority of Americans feel about Africans. While we value diversity, 23% of the populace who voted for this abomination see pluralism in starker, more nihilistic terms. And for that small minority - i.e., lunatic fringe - of the American populace, I sincerely apologize to my beloved brothers and sisters in Africa. We are blood kin. And this unforgivable assault on Africans throughout the Diaspora violates all standards of decency. I remain, Sincere