Candace Owens Not Welcomed At The Cookout

Candice Owens is attractive and articulate, which makes her a compelling, believable young Black woman but also a mercenary one whose Black card has been revoked. Owens mixes broad, sweeping generalizations with hackneyed, racial stereotypes into a bubbling cauldron of odoriferous conspiracy theories she seasons liberally with skewed facts from dubious sources that she fervently clings to like a dog with a bone in spite of evidence to the contrary. Fortunately, in spite of her surprise appearance on the Breakfast Club, her star has fallen against the backdrop of fallout stemming from her righteous indignation of white European Zionists masquerading as Semitic Israelis. Owens spoke out critically about their genocidal campaign against the Palestinians in Gaza while saying nothing about the equally difficult conflict in Congo. One that is driven by avaricious American and European interests seeking to exploit its mineral wealth by destabilizing the country (with considerable anecdotal evidence that the CIA's "ground branch" as well as the French Foreign Legion are currently conducting operations in the Congo destroying gold mines while propping up tinpot, wannabe warlords). Ironically, the war crimes committed in the name of Israelis self-defense is one of the issues I agreed with her about. Her massa at the Daily Wire did not, however, or take kindly to her uppity tone, which they love when she wielded it recklessly against her own community. Consequently, she was unceremoniously ousted from the Big House. And cast back into the fields like a well worn bed wrench massa had grown weary of to ply her trade in stock on Black media for a second. Charlemagne tha God of the Breakfast Club fame extended an invitation while remaining skeptical of her motives given her history of airing the drooping-britches-with-soiled-drawers segment of our of community's "dirty laundry" in public. Insofar as a "Christian holocaust," Christian protestants have always been persecuted. If Owens wants to protest oppression throughout history, I strongly suggest that she start with her own people's history of oppression in the United States. The historic perspective it provides may inform her increasingly strident but also uninformed conservatism, which capes a deep self-loathing she harbors from not being born a yt woman. And she is no longer welcome at the cookout.


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