
Showing posts with the label Nationalists

Response to a Racist...

Deluding you and your cone hat-wearing, pot-bellied drinking buddies with made-up facts does nothing to instill guilt in either me or any other progressive black educated in American post-secondary educational institutions. When your stinking, STD-ravaged, murderous, inbred forebears were brutally eradicating the East Coast of Native Americans in the early 1500s for WASPs to settle there, ours were being forcibly removed - primarily from the East and West Coasts of Africa - by barbaric Portuguese slavers with the assistance of rival African tribes who had no clue about what they were about to subject their fellow Africans; and, consequently, winded up in slave trading posts up and down the [American] colonies, before being shipped into the Deep South where they were forced under the whip to pick [cotton from sun up to sundown in the malaria ridden, venomous snake and insect infested, sweltering swamps] your forebears into an envious system of prosperity that has never been known