
Showing posts with the label Attorney Dennis Shipman

Beauty and the Beast

...this is an outrageous miscarriage of justice ... ...and if the system  worked for blacks equally, the Judge would have immediately set aside the verdict in the interest of justice... you simply cannot condemn a  promising young man with absolutely no previous criminal involvement to  prison for 12-years; and, brand him with a lifetime sexual predator label when he's only 20-years old! And only had a consensual, (if ill-advised) make-out session with a 17-year-old, which is the age of consent in virtually every state of the union. That white jury didn't see him as anything other than an archetypal, hypersexual beast defiling a virtuous, little, young, corn-fed, alabaster beauty. Beauty and the beast. The King  Kong metaphor played out in a cramped courtroom surrounded by flat plains filled with endless cornfields in the heart[less]land of  America... Welcome to Kansas... After all, it was the scene of the infamous Scopes "Monkey" trial back in the day. Forget Evolu

Just a very few thoughts on Mister Donald John Trump

Trump is an amusing caricature of unfulfilled White supremacist aspirations unfettered by disingenuous, political correctness that typically drives Realpolitik in America. Trump is not an oppressor articulating a primordial battle cry to the soon-to-be dispossessed majority as often dismissively portrayed but actually a victim of his own success. He is heroic to some, bedevilling to others, while an undeniable truth about his campaign’s hitherto unfathomable persistence actually lies somewhere in between those two stark contrasts, those conflicts, tensions and feuding constituencies. Let us help you or your project. Go to  and like us  on  Instagram , Blackplanet ,  Facebook ,  Twitter ,  Linkedin ,  Youtube  and  Goggle + . And listen to us on  Blogtalkradio  @ 10:30 AM every Monday.

Inspector General, where are you?

   Public corruption poses a fundamental threat to our national security and way of life. “In the United States, an inspector general leads an organization charged with examining the actions of a government agency, military organization, or military contractor as a general auditor of their operations to ensure they are operating in compliance with generally established policies of the government, to audit the effectiveness of security procedures, or to discover the possibility of misconduct, waste, fraud, theft, or certain types of criminal activity by individuals or groups related to the agency's operation, usually involving some misuse of the organization's funds or credit. In the United States, there are numerous offices of inspector general at the federal, state, and local levels.”    A major reason for the rampant corruption evident at all levels of government in Delaware is that there is no provision under its Constitution for an independent Office of Inspector Gen