
Showing posts with the label Donald John Trump

Was Trump's Assasination Staged

The famously failed assassination attempt yesterday on trump at a rally in Butler (PA) is riddled with unanswered questions that invite conspiracy theories at the barber shops and in the hair salons. 20-year-old Thomas Mathew Crooks was a classic Incel graduated from a small high school in an affluent suburb located south of Pittsburgh (PA) in 2022. Crooks was also white. A registered Republican not a DEI hire with a "Black job," whose job description including shooting unarmed agent provocateurs including those like trump. Unlike 99 % of young folks his age, Crooks had virtually no social media presence. He did not leave a manifesto. And he had no history of being anything other than a second amendment enthusiast who preferred donning hunting gear to torn jeans while in school, which made him a loner in the unforgiving environment that characterizes American high schools. Preliminary investigations included a search of his parent's home, where authorities allege that the

quid pro quo

The real quid pro quo we ought to be discussing is the implicit if not explicit deal the Grand Oaf Party cut with chump to protect him at the cost of our democracy. It allows his treachery, double-dealing, and ineptitude so long as he signs off on their wish list of retrogressive laws and judges to enforce 'em ...

Trolls and Tropism

Negroes encouraging other uninformed Negroes not to vote is akin to the blind leading the blind Sitting out the caucuses (or not voting in the election) will have one of two possible consequences: one, it will degrade the necessary turnout to win an overwhelming popular vote that cannot be disputed by the antiquated Electoral College representative vote; and, two, will ensure four more years of this ignorant, treasonous, inept, fat, bloated bumbling fool ... I do not believe those sistas are representative of all sistas (who tried to save us from this nightmare in 2016) But I do believe they are being misquoted to shape a narrative that discourages wavering black folks from voting ... And this type of tropism ought to be widely condemned We aren't that silly or naive -- I hope ... We are "woke..." Edit or delete this

Breaking News!

Breaking News!

The Grand Oaf Party

...these embittered alabaster relics of bygone days clinging to their waning privilege like a drowning man to a life raft have brought so much opprobrium to our institutions, (i.e., the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative branches of government), it has ceased to function equitably for "the people." And it's a sad testament to the entrenched racism that drives realpolitik in these United States ...

The Central Park Five According To Donald Trump

   There are many problematic aspects to reality television star Donald John Trump’s presidential campaign beyond pathological lying; invitation to foreign intelligence service to hack into an independent political party’s database; refusal to release income tax returns; bullying, inciting violence; birtherism, nativism, racism and sexism. But none have been more troubling than his call to reinstitute New York’s death penalty in the wake of the infamous Central Park Five jogger case.     The Central Park jogger case concerned the assault, rape, and sodomy of Trisha Meili, a female jogger, and attacks on others in New York City's Central Park, on April 19, 1989. We wrote about the case over a year ago. The “mainstream” media just this past week picked up the story with renewed vigor.    Trump took out full page ads full-page advertisements in all four major New York newspapers calling for the return of the death penalty recklessly and prematurely condemning four black

Response to a Racist...

Deluding you and your cone hat-wearing, pot-bellied drinking buddies with made-up facts does nothing to instill guilt in either me or any other progressive black educated in American post-secondary educational institutions. When your stinking, STD-ravaged, murderous, inbred forebears were brutally eradicating the East Coast of Native Americans in the early 1500s for WASPs to settle there, ours were being forcibly removed - primarily from the East and West Coasts of Africa - by barbaric Portuguese slavers with the assistance of rival African tribes who had no clue about what they were about to subject their fellow Africans; and, consequently, winded up in slave trading posts up and down the [American] colonies, before being shipped into the Deep South where they were forced under the whip to pick [cotton from sun up to sundown in the malaria ridden, venomous snake and insect infested, sweltering swamps] your forebears into an envious system of prosperity that has never been known

Dem crazy white boys …

   These “poorly-educated,” working-class white boys ain’t bullshitting. They want their country – read that: “privilege” – back : The unmerited advantage they recklessly wielded (and often employed) like a cudgel over the heads every other ethnic group in America since its official inception in 1492 by white Anglo-Saxon protestants (WASPs) ; repressed folks fleeing oppression and tyranny by the English Crown and Church of England for freedom in the remote wilderness known as America.     Trump got these hillbillie s so riled up they are amassing at the polls like the Syrian Army preparing to breach the gates of Aleppo . These hick s have really brought into Trump’s game: an empty slogan, “We gonna Make America Great Again” to inform their vote.    What kind of bullshit is that? Man, I wish I could pimp that hard. Shit, the only state we’d be in is a state of bliss if my game was that tight. Funny thing, there is not a brother or sister out there who believes for a se