
Showing posts with the label corruption

The latest saga in the misadventures of klueless the klown

Coronavirus has increased 647 percent since last week. Repugs responded with a half a trillion dollar payday for wealthy corporations. And chump now wants to reopen the markets ... What else can possibly go wrong in this classical comedy of errors?... if chump goes through with this disastrous shift (for the federal workforce although federal employees still have to follow state law) to reopen the government, it would be tantamount to a dereliction of duty - i.e., criminal ne glect - prosecutable as a crime against humanity, period. Barr should be advising against such a calamity. If he doesn't, chump, Barr and the rest of chump's complicit stooges should all be unceremoniously arrested, and hauled to court, like the Nazi war criminals during the 13 Nuremberg trials (if a single person dies when he goes through with this attempt to bolster his waning re-election campaign).

Mr. Eric Nicholas Vitaliano, 40 Laurie Ct, Staten Island NY 10304-2900

Flagrantly carrying water for an influential opposing party - e.g., characterizing the answering party’s brief as “commendably thorough” while casting the moving party's colorfully pleaded brief as "piecemeal" – brazenly breaches the boundaries of ethics, fair play and impartiality. Adding insult to injury by taking the aggrieved party to task with thinly veiled threats for exercising his constitutionally (a right obviously lost on a jurist who presides tenuously over an Article III court or Court of “Equity” whose raison d' etre is supposed to rest solidly on this premise) protected right of redress for grievance pursuant to the first amendment is inexcusable in an adversarial system of justice, though. And this “Judge” (with his unmerited lifetime appointment) can best spend the waning years of ignominy oppressing impecunious litigants by studying exceptional examples of the federal judiciary like Judge Leon Sullivan on the District of Columbia bench - instead of

The Grand Oaf Party

...these embittered alabaster relics of bygone days clinging to their waning privilege like a drowning man to a life raft have brought so much opprobrium to our institutions, (i.e., the Executive, Judiciary and Legislative branches of government), it has ceased to function equitably for "the people." And it's a sad testament to the entrenched racism that drives realpolitik in these United States ...

Kathleen Kane brings down the house... Her next appearance should be Wilmington.

   The massive scandal brewing just across the border with embattled Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane fending off a career ending attack - that could land her in the pokey - by powerful government interests should be a wakeup call. It should serve notice on the arrogant, corrupt, entrenched bureaucrats, appointed and elected officials in Delaware who believe they are above the law.     With these inept, recycled legal hacks in key policy making roles Delaware has become little more than an open sewer, a cesspool of corruption, where disinterested individuals passing through - on their way to actual cities like DC or Philly - stop only long enough in Wilmington (its largest city and seat of business) to take a stinking, steaming shit or release a hot load right into the willing orifice of some eager young girl... or boy. (Delaware is third in the nation for reportable sexually transmitted diseases in young people 15-24 years of age.) Most of these miscreants are close pe

Pan African Party

I just finished reading “Stokely: A Life,” by the historian Peniel E. Joseph. Stokely Carmichael was a seminal figure in the evolution of Black Liberation in the United States. He was instrumental in the development of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), which was the precursor of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. I long admired him though he was considerably before my time. It spurred me to begin to investigate why Pan-Africanism, which is a philosophy Kwame Ture embraced and promoted, especially during his self-imposed exile in Ghana failed to gain traction, as a viable expression of African self-determination. Pan-Africanism began as an anti-slavery and anti-colonial movement rippling throughout the Diaspora in the late nineteenth century. The ideology has evolved through the ensuing decades. Pan-Africanism seeks reconciliation. It denounces tribalism, nationalism, independence, political and economic cooperation, and historical and cultural awareness