
Showing posts with the label communism

Sounding the death Knell...

The sporadic protests by diverse coalitions of angry, disaffected young black folks, white progressives, liberals and others with a profound concern for an abysmal lack of fair play and injustice spurred by questionable killings of three unarmed black men, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice (who was certainly not a man but a pre-teen) over the last, past six months may sound the death knell for white supremacy in these United States. Utterly irrelevant, angry, aging, racist relics like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former New York State Governor George Pataki, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity as well as a host of less well known but equally influential white folks, (like the corrupt, racist judges who unlawfully took my child from me), prosecutors who refused to indict these killer cops, just to show there was enough probable cause in those deaths meriting a trial would have quelled these protests not by righting a demonstrable wrong but by letting a jury decide th