
Showing posts with the label bigotry

Crisfield, MD

   Last year, an utterly impotent Crisfield City Council by simple majority could have voted to compel the city to continue providing water -- after I complained that the city treasurer attempted to levy an outrageous, unaffordable lump sum $5,500 connection fee upon me. But the council over run as it is with bumbling, stumbling and compromised Negroes craving adoration, affection, and affirmation from whitey, too busy slopping greedily at the trough of supremacy, could barely summon the energy to lift their nappy heads; thick, greasy lips; and, stained clerical collars, dripping with Massa’s scraps, long enough to address the inequity.    Fat, sleek, and well fed at the expense of conscious black folk, who are much leaner through deprivation. The naïve souls who elected these ineffectual apparatchiks to the council with the hope that they would represent our interests in a hostile Republican stronghold had finally had enough. In my case, these pet Negroes permitted (hat-in-hand, ski

Rodney Reed

This is the end (pun intended) result of a big black brute defiling a beautiful, virtuous, white maiden... beauty and the beast... ...the King Kong metaphors converging like thieves in the dark... the dark clutches of whitey engaged in yet another state-sponsored lynching of a black man; an innocent man who will soon breathe a gargled breath as he returns to the warm embrace of the ancestors...

New York State Prisons and Racial Bias

   Unfortunately, many of the reactionary, knee-jerk comments i n the NY Times piece The Scourge of Racial Bias in New York State Prisons by Michael Schwirtz, Michael Winerip and Robert Gebeloff on December 3, 2016, r eflect why radical prison reform is practically impossible in this country; especially in the wake of the contentious 2016 presidential race as an administration - comprised predominantly of aggrieved white ethnics strikingly similar to the rural, isolated communities many of the guards and institutions are located - comes to national power.    Many of these same people would be outraged if the ignorant, racist guards (many who can barely read or write) treated an animal - e.g., pet, dog, cat, gerbil ex cetera - in the same despicable manner they treat these inmates (or other guards who happen to be black. Interestingly, I read no comments on systemic racism impacting black guards) with little or no oversight or accountability.    So, what these self-r