Was Trump's Assasination Staged

The famously failed assassination attempt yesterday on trump at a rally in Butler (PA) is riddled with unanswered questions that invite conspiracy theories at the barber shops and in the hair salons. 20-year-old Thomas Mathew Crooks was a classic Incel graduated from a small high school in an affluent suburb located south of Pittsburgh (PA) in 2022. Crooks was also white. A registered Republican not a DEI hire with a "Black job," whose job description including shooting unarmed agent provocateurs including those like trump. Unlike 99 % of young folks his age, Crooks had virtually no social media presence. He did not leave a manifesto. And he had no history of being anything other than a second amendment enthusiast who preferred donning hunting gear to torn jeans while in school, which made him a loner in the unforgiving environment that characterizes American high schools. Preliminary investigations included a search of his parent's home, where authorities allege that they recovered a small amount of "explosive materials." The 4th of July just passed. The "explosive materials" could have been M80s, firecrackers, or sparklers left over from the celebration, which segues into the first of many questions. Any gun enthusiast can tell you in precise technical detail the range of an AR 15 semi-automatic assault rifle, which is 500-600 yards. It means that a practiced shooter can expect to consistently hit a human-sized target within this range. The building that Crooks had secreted himself on top to shoot trump was approximately 400 yards away from the podium where trump was speaking. But trump only suffered a minor graze, while another spectator was killed, and another wounded. The building was not secured, however. The security void allowed Crooks to scale the one story structure firing off eight shots before he was shot in the head by Secret Service snipers. The void begs the question of why the Secret Service, which is arguably the best in the world at what they do, allowed this young, white man to mosey around the top of a building 400 yards from where a major political figure was ranting. Observers and Secret Service snipers had to have seen a long object in his hands. The images captured shortly thereafter the shots were fired show a disheveled trump surrounded by Secret Service agents telling them to "wait, wait" while he got his shoes on, defiantly pumping his tiny fists in the air murmuring, "fight, fight," with blood streaming down his face and his 8' long comb-over in uncharacteristic disarray. No one could draw such a visceral picture of a failed political figure: it is gut wrenching imagery where life meets art. One that paints trump as a pathetic figure the MAGA wing of the lunatic fringe fervently believes was protected by divine intervention from assassination. If we were to take the metaphor literally, Satan according to Christian dogma also has the power to protect his minions, though. But back to the slain gunman. There is no evidence that Crooks was anything more than what he seemed to be: a young, white Incel who lived at home, had no girlfriend, and held an entry-level, minimum-wage job at a local nursing home. At first blush, he was not a gun-toting, extremist militiaman or, worse, a BLM sympathizer, who had either the training or the motivation to try and shoot an ex-president. There is no evidence that he practiced at a gun range. Or that he harbored ill-will toward trump. To any objective observer, he is the perfect patsy, however. He lived an hour south of the location of the rally. He was a loner. He liked to dress up in hunting gear. And he had access to a long gun. It is tempting to speculate that he was set-up. Programmed to take those fatal shots. But without any evidence to support such speculation, we are only left with more questions than answers. And a wounded, defiant trump, a convicted criminal and existential threat to this American experiment, whose bloodied visage has now gone viral all over the world, which will motivate his impoverished base to further empty their pockets to support his campaign of deception. 


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