The Supremely Corrupt Court: The Immunity Deal

The immunity deal bestowed upon convicted felon Donald J. Trump by the US Supreme Court on Monday, July 1, 2024, like a beribboned get-out-of-jail-free card, is a complete re-imagining (unimaginable really) of presidential authorities under Article 2 of the US Constitution. The immunity deal grants a treasonous, corrupt, former US president monarch-like powers never envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. The immunity deal would enable Stinky without the Brain to nationalize the state guards unleashing heavily-armed, poorly-trained civilian-solidiers on "Democrat-controlled" cities like a plague with "shoot to kill" orders. It would be reminiscent of the infamous Kent State University (Ohio) massacre all over again - and again and again and again. The shameless man child who has cynically turned "Palestinian" into an ethnic slur would cut all humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. He would  ship Israel the most lethal weapons imaginable; allowing the Israelis to slaughter every single Palestinian man, woman, and child in Gaza with no pushback but encouragement by his rogue administration. He would stop weapon shipments to Ukraine - letting Putin annex the country. He would pull out of NATO, the Paris Climate Accords, The International Criminal Courts - to name three of the hundreds of treaties chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown would unilaterally break. He would order AfriCom to "sanction" democratically elected African leaders in Mali, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Nigeria (all mineral and/or oil rich) with "extreme prejudice," install hand-picked puppet successors, while slyly expropriating the people of their natural wealth; leaving those "shit hole" countries in abject poverty, desperate squalor, and mired in rampant corruption; effectively breaking the collective legs of these fledgling democracies but then hypocritically blame them for being crippled. He would sell presidential pardons to the highest bidders with reckless abandon; after pardoning himself of all federal crimes not already cloaked by the immunity provided to him by the six dwarfs on the supremely corrupted court; take bribes for "favorable nation" status to enrich either himself or his flunkies. He would set up "military" style tribunals to try and imprison or summarily execute his political foes and rivals in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba - out of the eye shot of skeptical folks and critics wary of his new found, unchecked powers. The US Circuit Courts (which are the second highest courts in the land) may or may not act as a bulwark against some of his more radical treachery. Some like the 5th Circuit may not, however. But he would finish stacking Article III Courts with young, Lilly-white, radical, racist, reactionary, right-wing ideologues, who the American Bar Association have rated as "unqualified" by virtue of lack of trial or judicial experience, poor law school grades, membership in ultra-right wing organizations like the "Federalist Society," or temperament. Then the fun begins when he instructs his lackeys in the Congress to hold a constitutional convention where they promptly repeal the Twenty-second Amendment (Amendment XXII) enabling him to remain in office in perpetuity. With the codification of bribery, the Supreme Court wresting authority from federal agency subject-matter experts to make substantive decisions over every facet of health and safety that impact Americans; we begin the decline into a slow, simmering coup d'état leading us like ducks to the slaughter: right into a sweltering 3.797 million mi² banana republic replete with kangaroo courts. A cataclysmic vision of America where newly empowered MAGA extremists, who displaced career civil servants and federal law enforcement personnel under "Schedule F" will brutally quash civil disobedience, quell popular dissent, and employ Gestapo tactics that will make the late, former Birmingham (AL) Commissioner of Public Safety Theophilus Eugene "Bull" Connor look tame by comparison. Progressive opposition will be in a space where prolonged, unconstitutional, pre-trial confinement and, worse, summary execution, becomes the rule rather than the exception for prominent opposition leaders - especially those from marginalized communities. This is not a unilateral wet dream from trumpty dumpty. The Heritage Foundation is literally doing "hits" on conservative outlets telling those of us who are listening critically [read that: apprehensively] exactly what they are doing (not planning to) for all the naïve folks in the MAGA wing of the lunatic fringe riding the short yellow bus on their perilous journey stumbling, mumbling, and bumbling their way often successfully through life oblivious to the perils left in their wake.


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