Okey-doke: The Shell Game

 Not to worry. The tattered remnants of the Grand Oaf Party will emerge like a specter from the ashes of our moribund democracy to push back against trumpty dumpty's authoritarian yearnings once chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown starts the wholesale dismantling of the intelligence community (which has been eerily silent knowing tRump is a spy at best, a Manchurian candidate at worse), breaking long-standing treaties like NATO, the Abraham Accords, and the Paris Climate Treaty; green lights China's annexation of Taiwan, destabilizes the 27 resource-rich Sub-Saharan African [read that: "shithole"] countries on an industrial scale enabling his billionaire buddies to exploit these countries free of interference by popular, democratically elected leaders, while giving Israel free reign to totally decimate the Palestinians. The internal strife, the civil war, coupled by a House prayfully led by Hakeem Jeffries will render MAGA impotent after the mid-terms. But not before MAGA unleashes hell on earth: tRump does permanent irreparable damage to our country. First, by turning the federal judiciary into a patronage mill overrun with radical, right-wing ideologues in their thirties and forties rated as "unqualified" by the American Bar Association (ABA), who will degrade the federal judiciary irreparably. No Democrat senator had better vote in favor of any Republican confirmation. (chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown already suspects this, which is why he is pushing hard for Senator Rick "Skeletor" Scott (R-FL) to become majority leader. MAGA's latest scheme is to avoid senate confirmation by making his picks for sensitive positions of public trust "recess appointments" to circumvent the confirmation process of the US Senate, which is codified in the advice and consent clause of Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution. We at war. #WeTriedToTellYa🙄


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