
Showing posts from 2024

Bucks County Cesspool: A Parting Shit

 The $2,100 ransom that the defendant has been coerced to pay under threat (aggravated by a bumbling, stumbling, and mumbling bedraggled, slovenly, indolent, disheveled lying court-appointed lawyer wearing shoes so worn out and, as such, rolled over, he must have had to lay down to put 'em on, unable or unwilling to provide effective assistance of counsel) of incarceration has been paid in full.  Do not contact or threaten this alleged defendant anymore, period. This jurisdiction has no further official business cognizable by common, state or federal law with the defendant. He is not seeking any further post-conviction relief. Leave him alone.  The defendant is resigned to take the "L" - the loss like a boss. He has paid the terms (dearly) for being held hostage in full  - imperiled by unprofessional threats to his life and his liberty, both. He will not tolerate any further officious, presumptuous, or unethical subordinate court clerical personnel or anyone else in this

NeoSoul: mesmerizing, genre bending, soul drenched, grooved filled music

What defines NeoSoul? The question has not been clearly answered. But Neosoul is what the name implies: Neo meaning "new" plus soul music. If we start from that simple proposition instead of what some fans and aficionados and even industry insiders post, we have to define soul music, before we can even get to NeoSoul.  According to Wikipedia, "Soul music is a popular music genre that originated in the African-American community throughout the United States in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It has its roots in African-American gospel music and rhythm and blues." Now that we have that out of the way, we can begin to talk about the evolution of NeoSoul, or "new" soul music that started being produced and recorded in the mid-to-late sixties. Who were the top five major Black musical talents or influences in the mid-sixties: Ray Charles, Gladys Knight, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, and  Marvin Gaye. All of these artists had careers that spanned decades and, mor

DNC Chair Jaime Harrison

 While the RNC chair is a regular fixture on Fox News, DNC Chair Jaime Harrison has been virtually missing in action. Suddenly he pops up like a weed in a flourishing garden. Too much posturing, gladhanding, backslapping, high fiving, self-congratulatory performative bs'ing; too many photo-ops; not nearly enough work down in the trenches meeting with grassroot organizers, building coalitions, relationships, and raising the capital necessary for a sustained effort to wrest this election out of the hands of scared-outta-their-wits yt Nationalists who plan to take US back to the Antebellum South. We have to keep it real. Harrison like Tom Perez his predecessor has not been an effective Chair😢Both Jamal Bowman and Cori Bush are a sad testament to Harrison's ineffectiveness, however.🥺

Over 60 and delusional...

There was some lively, humorous discussion swirling about a Facebook group regarding some members desire to leave (for good reason - though many are victims of their own choosing). According to the group's administrator "over 60 and fab" was supposed to facilitate "love connections." But in practice is little more than a used car showroom for some attractive "involved" or married  women "kicking the tires" by posting self-congratulatory pictures of themselves soliciting complements like they were still the belle of the ball or, worse, back in high school (some in college) when all the handsome, buff jocks were chasing them (neither very hard nor very fast before they caught up, however). The remaining men and women are embittered, lonely, old folks desperately seeking love in a veritable sea of vanity that may have islands of unrealistic expectations upon which they can cling tenuously, resting briefly before washing back out to sea helplessl

GenXers: WTF is worng with their progeny?

 Gen xers you failed us. You raised these Millennials. Some of whom can be our (Baby Boomer generation) kids but more likely they are our pathetically spoiled, bratty grandkids. Gen Xers kid's (Millennials) are a hot mess. Indolent, apathetic, disheveled, pampered, coddled, privileged, and wholly unconscious without a clear sense of legacy. The folks in the picture are who we (Baby boomers) were raised to emulate, not the tong wearing hoodrats twerking in the mall for impressions on social media or homo-thugs wearing sagging britches with soiled drawers in plain sight slinging dope and flinging shot on the corner of some dilapidated real estate he does not own. We were loathe to step out without being dressed to the nines; our hair cut, hat on, and shoes polished to a simmering gloss. And we now wonder why we get no respect and can be shot down like a rabid dog for sassing the police... We have lost our sense of style. If you look good, you feel good, and people around you will fee

Kyle Rittenhouse

 Rittenhouse got away with murder. But the Spector of murderer clings to his dark spirit like a foul stench no decent human being can tolerate without gagging: an instinctual, primordial feeling  that they are in the presence of malevolence. To be continued.

Black Intellegentsia and social media

 Prompted by weariness with the pedestrian fare found on social media, a group entitled "Black Intellectuals" seemed to be the ideal landing spot. However, unless I am missing something, it is also bereft of content. There is a lot of news directly impacting Black folks throughout the Diaspora. But "Black Intellectuals" are not discussing any of it either critically or in depth. In fact they seem to be "missing in action." I used to be in a group that will remain anonymous because a member there is also a member of Black Intellectuals. We used to have always lively, often raucous, sometimes bitter conversations about topics that engaged Black men of all races. It had over ten thousand members during its height of all political persuasions.  The group's owner was around my age in his mid-sixties but unlike me, retired. After a series of posts Meta's online reputation management (ORM) system and/or human censors found objectionable, the group had to

Abortion: The Real Reason

 Abortion is an issue that affects all women. But it is primarily designed to force young, child-bearing aged, yt women preferring the C-Suite to a hospital suite in some dusty, under-equipped, understaffed backwater clinic to produce more "Masters of the Universe." That's the real reason yt conservatives are pushing so hard for a nationwide ban on the controversial medical procedure. Black and brown women's concerns are only collateral to this fool's errand by the MAGA wing of the lunatic fringe. The analogy is yt feminism, which Blk women full-throatily but naively endorsed around the time the Black Liberation Movement was gaining a following in the early 1970s only to find out they were not welcomed at the all-white tea party. The fall out from their famously failed attempt to crash that party is still reverberating in our community as a wedge issue divided along gender lines that even the intrepid, "big-mouth" Reverend Al Sharpton only briefly touche

Tribe or Tribes

 So, how do you strategically combat against an avaricious, aggressive, violent, warmongering tribe who projects its duplicity, hypocrisy, and criminality on to other tribes? By roundly denouncing the off-the-reservation tribe at every turn without fear of either reprisal or retaliation: its brazen theft of innate creativity, intellectual property, valuable mineral (and human) resources and real property of other tribes; by championing our own story: promoting excellence in our community where possible, agitating for it where not. By becoming the protagonist in our own stories. By becoming agents of change. The tribe in question is no longer in the mainstream of American political discourse replete as it is with ancient alabaster relics of a time long past. Its current worldview is a rusty artifact of that period fostered by a false sense of racial superiority naively employed to rationalize "manifest destiny," which is little more than an euphemism for conquest, plunder, mur

A clarion call or sonic dissonance?

  I never got how playing music at disco volumn or, more importantly, sitting in a car with music blaring so loud you can hear it a mile away was pleasurable. You have to know that you're damaging your hearing beyond disturbing the peace. A good stereo is like seasoning on food. It is supposed to accentuate the music enabling you to hear the highs, midrange, and lows with clarity. Allowing you to savor every note. Like a perfectly cooked steak seasoned with only clarified butter and a few grains of kosher salt. 'nuff said.

Candace Owens Not Welcomed At The Cookout

Candice Owens is attractive and articulate, which makes her a compelling, believable young Black woman but also a mercenary one whose Black card has been revoked. Owens mixes broad, sweeping generalizations with hackneyed, racial stereotypes into a bubbling cauldron of odoriferous conspiracy theories she seasons liberally with skewed facts from dubious sources that she fervently clings to like a dog with a bone in spite of evidence to the contrary. Fortunately, in spite of her surprise appearance on the Breakfast Club, her star has fallen against the backdrop of fallout stemming from her righteous indignation of white European Zionists masquerading as Semitic Israelis. Owens spoke out critically about their genocidal campaign against the Palestinians in Gaza while saying nothing about the equally difficult conflict in Congo. One that is driven by avaricious American and European interests seeking to exploit its mineral wealth by destabilizing the country (with considerable anecdotal ev

Was Trump's Assasination Staged

The famously failed assassination attempt yesterday on trump at a rally in Butler (PA) is riddled with unanswered questions that invite conspiracy theories at the barber shops and in the hair salons. 20-year-old Thomas Mathew Crooks was a classic Incel graduated from a small high school in an affluent suburb located south of Pittsburgh (PA) in 2022. Crooks was also white. A registered Republican not a DEI hire with a "Black job," whose job description including shooting unarmed agent provocateurs including those like trump. Unlike 99 % of young folks his age, Crooks had virtually no social media presence. He did not leave a manifesto. And he had no history of being anything other than a second amendment enthusiast who preferred donning hunting gear to torn jeans while in school, which made him a loner in the unforgiving environment that characterizes American high schools. Preliminary investigations included a search of his parent's home, where authorities allege that the

Paula Price...

The Somerset County Attorney enjoys a cozy relationship with state court staff that may be an actionable conflict of interest. In my civil case, subordinate clerical staff unethically, unlawfully tampered with pleadings, made untruthful statements to a sitting state court judge in spontaneous statements during a recorded civil court proceeding; materially caused procedural defaults on three (3) timely, properly filed appeals from an inept, stumbling, bumbling, and mumbling (literally) state Circuit Court judge's unconstitutional, unlawful orders, who must've been rolled out of mothballs in a wheelchair from some assisted living facility in the swamps or backwaters of the Eastern Shore just to hear the case, cackling like a hen and laughing it up with Simpleton at my expense as case-in-point. They could have spared everyone the charade: the time and expense by propping up an animated corpse, fitted with the requisite electric leads and connected a car battery, to preside over th

The John Roberts Dilemma

Chief Justice John Roberts, is an inept, disingenuous paper tiger, whose tenuous rein over the United States Supreme Court has been marred by mismanagement, overt corruption, twisted logic (in the court's upside down, inside out decisions), and obfuscation from legitimate Congressional oversight. But the kicker is a recent, shocking Immunity decision (on top of several other equally bad ones rolling back decades of precedent or settled law) that muddies the waters in a brazen power grab by an amoral top court gone rogue. The US Supreme Court used to be the crown jewel of the American judiciary. But it has now devolved into a patronage mill where three of the nine justices perjured themselves during their confirmation hearings. Two long-term conservative justices are election deniers, garden variety insurrectionists, who wear their MAGA bona fides on their robes (and multiple houses and $1,000,000,000 mobile home), which they could easily change out from black to white with no notab

The Supremely Corrupt Court: The Immunity Deal

The immunity deal bestowed upon convicted felon Donald J. Trump by the US Supreme Court on Monday, July 1, 2024, like a beribboned get-out-of-jail-free card, is a complete re-imagining (unimaginable really) of presidential authorities under Article 2 of the US Constitution. The immunity deal grants a treasonous, corrupt, former US president monarch-like powers never envisioned by the framers of the Constitution. The immunity deal would enable Stinky without the Brain to nationalize the state guards unleashing heavily-armed, poorly-trained civilian-solidiers on "Democrat-controlled" cities like a plague with "shoot to kill" orders. It would be reminiscent of the infamous Kent State University (Ohio) massacre all over again - and again and again and again. The shameless man child who has cynically turned "Palestinian" into an ethnic slur would cut all humanitarian aid to the Palestinians. He would  ship Israel the most lethal weapons imaginable; allowing the

Marilyn Mosby, Esq.

 I am heartened to see prominent attorneys of all genders, races, ethnicities, and hues rallying to Mosby's defense because while she is a passionate, progressive, and articulate defender of poor Black and brown folks, her outsized impact on criminal justice policy as Baltimore City State Attorney made her a convenient target for the hypocritical "law and order" crowd, who believe like Ghouliani and chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown, the law only applies to those other "folks." And as these people placed a huge bullseyes on this sista's back, they employed other unconscious Black folks to do their bidding, their dirty work. The US District Court Judge and Assistant US Attorney are both Black. And though if it were any other ethnicity or race, that might mean something substantive, with our people, it does not mean shit. I cannot count how many times it was Black or brown people who screwed up a deal, position, or o