Time For Work

 Obviously, nothing is disqualifying any longer if mediocre why tees with marginal experiences in the departments they were imprudently nominated to run (into the ground) are allowed to skirt FBI national security background checks (an exhaustive process that normally takes upwards of six months) in chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown's zeal wreak havoc on the administrative state: a vast, sprawling, and complex federal bureaucracy, poised to hinder his wacky schemes. Instead of pointing out the obvious hypocrisy, we must insist on criminal justice reform as it relates to criminal history reporting requirements. If undereducated Black men who have been trying to turn around their lives after a criminal conviction for a non-violent crime in their distant past cannot pass a criminal background (forget about a national security) check for an entry-level job paying roughly $50k/annum, activists need to affirmatively be demanding criminal background check relief by shining a bright light on the fact that trumpty dumpty is a convicted criminal who has been credibly accused of mishandling state secrets. A notable scoundrel who palled around with Jeffrey Epstein, a notorious philanderer, a rapist, who was convicted of sex trafficking. But tRump has been allowed through conspiracy and complicity to ascend to the highest office in the land. One that he caused millions of deaths through a botched response to the Covid pandemic where he recommended zany, bizarre, folk remedies to “cure” an airborne pathogen that tanked a white hot economy handed to him on a silver platter much like the windfall, inheritance, given to him by Klaven Kaptain, Fred Trump. We must stop wringing our hands, clutching our pearls, gnashing our teeth, and roll up our sleeves to demand equality whenever why tees offer up their hypocritical prescriptions to fill chump’s administration with pale, homogenous men (and in this case women) who would ordinarily be disqualified by virtue of their less than virtuous backgrounds, inexperience, and nationalist inklings that hold them out as lap dogs, henchmen, ready, willing, and able to upset the apple cart in a vain effort to hold the line, maintain the status quo, where they hold all the power, wielded like a cudgel, over the bare, vulnerable heads of those who do not resemble them.


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