Over 60 and delusional...

There was some lively, humorous discussion swirling about a Facebook group regarding some members desire to leave (for good reason - though many are victims of their own choosing). According to the group's administrator "over 60 and fab" was supposed to facilitate "love connections." But in practice is little more than a used car showroom for some attractive "involved" or married  women "kicking the tires" by posting self-congratulatory pictures of themselves soliciting complements like they were still the belle of the ball or, worse, back in high school (some in college) when all the handsome, buff jocks were chasing them (neither very hard nor very fast before they caught up, however). The remaining men and women are embittered, lonely, old folks desperately seeking love in a veritable sea of vanity that may have islands of unrealistic expectations upon which they can cling tenuously, resting briefly before washing back out to sea helplessly on a 100 foot wave of dashed hope by another merciless Tsunami. One would think that someone, whether male or a female, well south of the half century mark would be devoid of all conceit, vanity, and duplicity - like some women in "60 and fab" who loudly but falsely proclaim, "I ain't looking for nobody... I don't need a man to be happy..." Anonymous member poses this simple question to those folks, not the simps who may in their own vain quest for validation come rushing recklessly to their defense, 'Then why are you here. Do you not have friends, family, acquaintances, associates and colleagues that you can engage socially on a daily basis instead of complete strangers on social media)?' Could it be "dishonesty" about your true intentions or motives? 


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