The Use Of Deadly Force Is State Sponsored Violence The point being missed here is that dangerous animals are subdued without injury after wandering into populated areas all the time. The bottom line is that from the video, it clearly shows the cops are untrained. They allowed an inebriated suspect to disarm one officer. And turned a routine arrest into a deadly altercation. You being untrained and unable to subdue me using hand-to-hand combat is your fault; and, that of the agency who employs you. I believe all police should be disarmed and made to become proficient in hand-to-hand combat. Dr. Jerry Beasley, 9th Dan, and one of the world's foremost martial art educators at Radford University (VA) developed such a curriculum, which is highly regarded in the federal law enforcement communities. But law enforcement agencies can return to the old marine corp hand-to-hand combat field manual. The technology exists for use of tranquilizing guns if an agitated, intoxicated, or mentally disturbed suspect needs to be subdued without injury after a threat assessment determined that is the best course of action to preserve life instead of stupidly confronting him or her. The use of deadly force is anachronistic. And it should be reserved strictly for special weapons and tactics units called on scene in hostage, homicide, robbery, and other armed conflicts. The incidence of homicides - i.e., police-involved shootings - associated with making a lawful or unlawful arrests would plummet dramatically overnight. So, I adamantly disagree with these wrongheaded rationalizations for use of deadly force by trigger-happy members because the arresting officers are cowardly punks. The excuses for shooting that brother are naive, unsustainable, and predicated on deadly force being the sole option, which they wouldn't be touting if it was their daddy, brother, son, cousin or uncle on the receiving end of a 10 mm 350 gram round fired at a 10 yard range into their back...


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