Sounding the death Knell...
The sporadic protests by diverse
coalitions of angry, disaffected young black folks, white progressives,
liberals and others with a profound concern for an abysmal lack of fair play
and injustice spurred by questionable killings of three unarmed black men, Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice (who was certainly not a man but a pre-teen) over the
last, past six months may sound the death knell for white supremacy in these
United States.
Utterly irrelevant, angry,
aging, racist relics like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former New
York State Governor George Pataki, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity as well as a
host of less well known but equally influential white folks, (like the corrupt,
racist judges who unlawfully took my child from me), prosecutors who refused to
indict these killer cops, just to show there was enough probable cause in those
deaths meriting a trial would have quelled these protests not by righting a
demonstrable wrong but by letting a jury decide the perpetrators’ fate.
Instead the white power
structure arrogantly changes the rules in the middle of the game telling us
through blurred camera lens and muffled microphones of secretly sympathetic
“journalists” with a straight face, a wink, and a nod, that in every case the
killings were unilaterally deemed de
minimus, suggesting the evidence in their biased worldview was considered
so negligible it did not justify pursuing any legal action whatsoever.
These racist whites not only
cling to their “guns and religion,” but deep-seated fears of racial
annihilation by the prototypical big-dicked black man – the King Kong metaphor
with art imitating life – ravaging the virtuous, pretty, young white woman who
in this instance is symbolized by white society at large.
By brutally enforcing white
supremacist values through institutionalized racism characterized by an
unmitigated hubris, which allows a plain clothes New York City police officer
to choke the living hell, indeed life, out of "a big black man" in
living color, the white power structure through the police show the metaphorical "nigger" who is in control. It is is why in the aftermath Giuliani said "they [police] protect us [white people] from them [niggers]." What he meant to say is that they [police] control them [animals] for us [white folks], however.
True to form, to the rescue
comes Uncle Remus, the mythical black character known for his sage wit who to our chagrin
devolves into little more than an effete apologist for white supremacist values
by transforming into the universally reviled Uncle Tom before our very eyes. It becomes surreal: a veritable minstrel show as the usual suspects, compromised Negros parade out in lockstep asking us to suspend common law and common sense, all while touting their
obeisance to Eurocentric, individualistic values that have never served the
African community well either here in America or throughout the Diaspora.
Justice Clarence Thomas, District Court Judge Gregory M. Sleet, both of whom routinely vote against black interests; Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, Larry Elder, Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Charles Barkley, Bill Cosby (who has been getting his comeuppance of
late) and too many other shameless Negros that have forgotten where they have come from. In their zeal to slop greedily at the trough of public largesse and corporate generosity, they have collectively sold out their less fortunate brethren for thirty pieces of silver, and have become too co-opted to act as
anything other than pitchmen for the status
quo: maintaining (Lilly) white supremacy.
These men and women are the
children of the Negros who began fleeing the inner city as fast as their
charter bus sized station wagons and 20¢ per gallon leaded “high-test” gasoline
would carry them straight to tangibly hostile, suspicious, barely welcoming
suburbs. Bused out neighborhoods cropping up like target duckies on the
outskirts of major cities, which allowed these intrepid pilgrims to realize a
vestige of the American dream.
Urban decay, blight and rampant
criminality, replaced the well maintained communities, which characterized the
once solidly middle classed inner city neighborhoods left in their wake. Fat,
sleek and well fed, reviling in their own self-aggrandizement, posh country club
memberships, exclusive secondary schools, fawning adherence to prosperity
ministries, and enviable vacation destinations such as Oaks Buff (long the
vacation destination of the black elite.
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