NPR and PBS under fire from the Federal Communication Commission With CBS in "settlement" talks over the Kamala Harris interview, poised to capitulate to the Trump administration, the NYTimes and other legacy media outlets have been ousted from their coveted perches in the Pentagon (replaced by right wing tabloids such as the NY Post, and radical right ring media outlets like Breitbart and OAN) the coup d'état is practically complete. Now the Trump infested Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is flexing its authority by falsely accusing NPR and PBS of commercial advertising, which violates their charters, and threatens federal funding streams. The die may be cast. Although tepid in their push back against the steady torrent of falsehoods emanating from the Trump administration, PBS and NPR are still too "liberal" to pave the path, grease the slide, into the dystopian blackout conservatives want to keep Americans in the dark about the breadth and depth of their nefarious plans; namely Project 2025.


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