
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Half-time Show: Kendrick Lamar's masterclass

The hostility has always been there, simmering slowing beneath the surface. It takes little provocation to bring it to a rolling boil. Kendrick Lamar managed to do just that, though. His half-time show was a brilliant admixture of talking word, allegory, symbolism, and pagantry liberally seasoned with notable cultural icons like Sam L dressed as Uncle Sam with 16 stars on his jacket and Serena crip walking unapologetically ... He spanked whitey. And they weren't feelin it.

Coup d'é·tat or not Coup d'é·tat. That is the Question

I sounded the alarm about chump the braindead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown getting back into office, and exerting control over the entire Executive branch through an untested political-legal concept called the "unified executive" theory, during the election. Scared-outta-their-wits, cowed, and cowardly bicameral Congress members were already in the bag. Many (if not all) refused to condemn J6 or, worst, say that Stinky without the Brain had lost the '20 election. The same hypocrtical law and order types who without even the wink or the nod defend trumpty dumpty's unilateral, unconditional pardons). The Supremely Corrupt Court's get-out-of-jail-free-card grant of absolute immunity solidified tRump's tenuous grasp on the body politic. Now firmly ensconsed back in the seat of power, emboldened by unmerited favor, deference, and as reckless as ever, tRump is poised to become the first president to overtly defy the courts as they attempt to reign in...

Too Stupid To Know How Stupid They Are...

  I just love it when some OCD Magalomaniac or Libertarian dupe decides to play human on social media... It is no longer shameless to be shameful. Anti-intellectualism has become a superpower. And with it there goes the slippery slide to moral relativism with trumpty dumpty soiling the slide on his way down into the rabbit hole with his lemmings in close pursuit.

Black Magalomianiacs: This One Is For You...

...chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown has directed the USDOJ to sue colleges and universities that teach "Black History." The patently unlawful order abridges a fundamental tenet of the academy, which is "academic freedom": A raison d'être of higher education at PWIs since their inception in the states in the mid 1600s. Stinky without the Brain stole a page from a worn playbook written by Ron DeSantis, with little or no pushback from Florida based HBCUs like Bethune-Cookman University, Edward Waters University, Florida A&M University and Florida Memorial University. Well-fed, well-heeled, not on welfare; fat, sleek, and comfortable Black PhDs plying their trade in the hallowed halls of the academy, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, apparently did not get the memo, however. They were too busy supping greedily at the slop trough of white liberal guilt to lift their professionally coiffed locks, wigs, or weaves, lips g...

NPR and PBS under fire from the Federal Communication Commission With CBS in "settlement" talks over the Kamala Harris interview, poised to capitulate to the Trump administration, the NYTimes and other legacy media outlets have been ousted from their coveted perches in the Pentagon (replaced by right wing tabloids such as the NY Post, and radical right ring media outlets like Breitbart and OAN) the coup d'état is practically complete. Now the Trump infested Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is flexing its authority by falsely accusing NPR and PBS of commercial advertising, which violates their charters, and threatens federal funding streams. The die may be cast. Although tepid in their push back against the steady torrent of falsehoods emanating from the Trump administration, PBS and NPR are still too "liberal" to pave the path, grease the slide, into the dystopian blackout conservatives want to keep Americans in the d...