
Showing posts from November, 2019

It's A Miracle

So, on my property there are dead and dying trees. I had some trimmed. Most are still standing. My SUV is in the shop. So, I'm driving my sports car. And I parked it right under one of the trees. I awoke to see nothing amiss. But when I looked closer. I saw that one of the limbs had totally broken off the tree. But had fallen as if it bounced off an invisible barrier that protected my GTO. I am still fasting, praying, and calling on the name of the Lord.
notice how all the so-called "legitimate" blacks - i.e., Stephen A. Smith and Jay-Z - are the first one to attack Kaep? This is how whitey employs Negroes to further his aims of oppressing us...

Old Revolutionaries don't die, they retreat to the academe

I think most of us old "revolutionaries" are still around in various iterations (if not dead or rotting away long forgotten in some remote prison); mainly in the academe where we're relatively safe from reprisal. We're still writing, agitating, acting as agents of change while "educating" the younger generation interested in learning about the "struggle for self-determination." We used to have a remarkable "rap session" in Detroit that I miss desperately. It was comprised of both young and  old, college-educated and under-educated, law enforcement and ex-cons, gay and straight, dreadlock and "baldhead." But everyone was conscious. We'd smoke a little weed, drink a little beer, liquor, or consume nothing at all. But the information conveyed by those elders with often a memorably humorous delivery was invaluable... Now many younger brothers in their twenties and thirties are too "hypersensitive" to talk to or exchan

An echo chamber is too small to allow growth...

An echo chamber is too small to allow growth... Dennis Shipman 2019

The Fast

During my fast, which has been ongoing for the past four weeks (where I take no solid food during daylight and only one meal per day after 4:00 PM), I needed to ask God questions about the direction of my life generally and ministry particularly because King Solomon wrote in Proverbs 18:16 that “your gift will make room for you.” I received revelation  slowly like a newly lighted candle whose flame flickers and wavers weakly before finally illuminating the room in a triumphant burst of flame. As it has to do with denying my gifts.     When I was 19-years-old, in the streets, but still struggling to finish school, I attempted to enlist in the US Navy. The recruiter, a sharp, cool, young black twenty something year old petty officer took me to Phlly to take my Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). When the result returned the recruiter was stunned. And he told me that my score was through the roof. He said with the score I had achieved, “you can take the GED,” which

Alufa jagunjagun

Creed of of the (Warrior-Monk) alufa jagunjagun We are the alufa jagunjagun We teach, while others learn We pray, while others plead We watch, while others look We listen, while others talk We eat to live, while others live to eat We abstain, while others indulge We train, while others play We rest, while others sleep We remain vigilant, while other remain insensate We defend, when others offend Our creator, our people, our women, our children To these things we dedicate our lives  And we vow to live and die with honor, courage, humility and discipline This is the sacred creed of the Alufa jagunjagun that we now vow Àmín

Dutty Boukman

The Good Lord who created the sun which gives us light from above, who rouses the sea and makes the thunder roar–listen well, all of you–this god, hidden in the clouds, watches us. He sees all that the white people do. The god of the white people demands from them crimes; our god asks for good deeds. But this god who is so good demands vengeance! He will direct our hands; he will aid us. Throw away the image of the god of the whites who thirsts for our tears, and listen to the voice of liberty which speaks in the hearts of all of us. —  Dutty Boukman

Rodney Reed

This is the end (pun intended) result of a big black brute defiling a beautiful, virtuous, white maiden... beauty and the beast... ...the King Kong metaphors converging like thieves in the dark... the dark clutches of whitey engaged in yet another state-sponsored lynching of a black man; an innocent man who will soon breathe a gargled breath as he returns to the warm embrace of the ancestors...