Spiritual Renewal

In all my years, I have never been confronted with as much injustice, unfairness and adversity as I have in 2014. As I usually do, I brought in the New Years (if I am not with my son) at Empowerment Temple which is a Baltimore sanctuary pastured by a young, charismatic and dynamic preacher named Jamal Bryant. His sermon New Year eve was about not so much about us looking forward to 2015 but turning our back on what lay behind with the closing of 2014. It was an interesting message to say the least. I came as I usually do without any prayers for myself but many for humanity and, of course, my son whose plight has been detailed in an earlier blog . I am optimistic about what 2015 has to offer. But drawing on Pastor Bryant’s message, I want to turn back on 2014 by taking care of myself first through discipline and spiritual renewal. So I am fasting for seven days to purge my body of all the impurities, toxins and environmental contaminants I have absorbed during the last past twelve months, exercising and writing more, while eating less, and meditating daily. I think a renewal of spirit involves sacrifice and deprivation. This sacrifice is evident in the three great monotheistic religious traditions. In Al Islam it is called “Ramadan,” which is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and a time when Muslims across the world will fast during the hours of daylight. In Judaism it is often observed either strictly (a complete absence of food and water for at least 24 hours) or partially during “Yom Kippur” and “Tisha B'Av.” In Christianity, Lent was the traditional Christian festival where a long, strict religious fast was imposed on all adherents and people gave up all rich food. The day before Lent starts is known as Shrove Tuesday. Through prayer, fasting and meditation, which are major keys opening the door to communicating with our higher power and understanding how it can empower us to successfully navigate through life, I hope to unravel the mysteries of life. Pray with me.


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