Open Letter To Ms. Bev Smith, The Queen of Night Talk Radio

Dear Ms. Bev,

Believing the LGBT community is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is one thing; actively advocating for a lifestyle that you claim erroneously is found in nature is quite another. Homosexuality is indeed found in nature but only as an aberration much like a mutation. There are few asexual organisms and virtually all are single celled. The few asexual insects can hardly be characterized as homosexual. The one aquatic vertebrate or fish example you cited "seahorse" is neither asexual nor homosexual as you misinformed your audience. The male seahorse is equipped with a brood pouch on the ventral, or front-facing, side. When mating, the female seahorse deposits up to 1,000 eggs in the male's pouch, which the male then internally fertilizes with his sperm. The male carries the eggs for about two months until they emerge, expelling fully-developed, miniature seahorses in the water. The father continues to protect the young until they are able to live on their own. There are no known mammals that engage in long term homosexual unions. Some primates do exhibit homosexual conduct, but only as "sex play" much like same sex experimentation observed in adolescent children, which brings me to my last and final point. Although anecdotal as I have no empirical data to support this hypothesis, I have long held to the belief that there are true homosexuals, people born attracted to members of their own sex. However, a significantly larger number - especially in our communities - more than likely have adopted this sexual preference due to inappropriate sexual debuts: a stepfather, boyfriend, or older relative molested the boy. I speak strictly about boys here because Lesbians have an even more complicated psychology, which I have no expertise to discuss. Nevertheless, I have heard too many biographical stories from Gay adult males including my former Pastor, Donnie McClurkin, who said they were introduced into homosexuality by an older male, a pederast. So, though it may be politically correct, chic even, to champion this lifestyle, except for a statistically minute percentage, most could benefit from gender confusion therapy. The LGBT and their well intentioned supporters abhor this approach, because it detracts from their larger agenda to acculturate society into believing that a very small percentage of persons (with the caveat excluding a statistically small percentage of that community who are truly homosexual) ought to dictate cultural norms. Gender confusion therapy is an effective evidenced based therapy, which has broad support in the medical community. The American College of Pediatricians (ACOP) says "that it is not uncommon for adolescents to experience transient confusion about their sexual orientation, and that most students will ultimately adopt a heterosexual orientation if not otherwise encouraged," which is not what the LGBT community wants. I love you, Ms. Bev. But you're widely listened to and, as such, have a responsibility to educate your audience me included based on actual fact irrespective of your personal beliefs...


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