The Spook Who Sat Behind The Door: A Modern Day Tale

Tyrone Powers, a former African American FBI special agent announced on NYC's urban contemporary radio station 98.7 KISS FM's May 19, 2002 airing of the Open Line show, hosted by news director and morning personality Bob Slade, that he had credible evidence strongly suggesting the Bush administration did in fact allow the September 11th attacks to further a hidden agenda.

Dr. Powers says that the administration miscalculated, though, and "didn't believe that [an attack] would be on this scale." Powers, author of critically acclaimed autobiography, "Eyes To My Soul: The Rise and Decline of a Black FBI Agent" is director of the Institute of Criminal Justice/Legal Studies and Public Service, and an assistant professor of law Enforcement and Criminal Justice at Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland. Powers stated that "arrogant" US intelligence agencies underestimated the resolve of the terrorists.

They have the American people duped into believing that the fundamentalist Islamic lunatic fringe who carried out the attacks here in America are uneducated "fanatics." Powers says, though, that most of the terrorist leadership was comprised of highly educated, extremely "patient" ideologues with "legitimate" grievances against the United States -many having been educated right here in the US and hold degrees in "engineering" among other disciplines critical to the end that these radical factions seek.

Like Pearl Harbor, the US government needed a substantive excuse to enter World War Two and end German hegemony over Europe generally and England particularly. German domination over Europe grew rapidly into an expansionist policy once Italy and Japan join forces to rule the earth - or so we were led to believe.

The revisionists would have us believe that those altruistic objectives were the sole motivation for Franklin Roosevelt wanting to enter WWII and help his close friend an colleague British Prime Minister Winston Churchill whose country was under siege by a relentless German war machine.

Roosevelt was an extremely savvy politician, though, and knew that the relatively widespread anti-Semitism evident in the United States during the 1940's would effectively disrupt those objectives. So an environment had to be created causing an anticipated furor enabling the Roosevelt administration to declare war against this "axis of evil."

Does this scenario sound familiar? It ought to because Powers argues persuasively that the Bush administration has taken a page from history in its endeavor to maintain control over rapidly dwindling oil reserves in the world generally and in the middle east particularly. American culture is by nature duplicitous and hypocritical. We do not like to hear the truth, and when we are compelled to confront it, we simply refuse to concede to it.

The Bush administration relied strongly on these pathologies when it deliberately ignored warnings from stand up agents in Federal law enforcement and intelligence agencies and allowed what they only thought was going to be the "high jacking" of a single airliner.

They were prepared to "sacrifice" those citizens in the interest of national security. Powers claims that the Bush administration superciliously perceives itself to be the last world super power: an Empire and, by some misguided albeit self-serving divine right, has to sometimes make appalling decisions to further its imperialistic aims, which is the total, unequivocal domination of the world and, more tellingly, its mineral resources.

There is more than a little truth to this supposition. And Powers makes some very compelling arguments. The Enron debacle and this flagrant insult against the American people have definitive albeit tenuously proven ties that the mainstream media has conspicuously ignored. All concern oil, energy, and greed. Virtually all of the top management at Enron enjoyed an open door policy at the White House. Indeed, Vice president Dick Cheney has refused repeated requests from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to release material information regarding the nature of those frequent meetings with Enron executives. Meetings that took place in the nascent stages of the Bush administration when it was still formulating energy policy for the country.

"The Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 created the Congressional Budget Office (CBO)." It began operating on February 24, 1975, with the appointment of its first Director, Alice M. Rivlin. CBO's mission is to provide the Congress with the objective, timely, nonpartisan analyses needed for economic and budget decisions and with the information and estimates required for the Congressional budget process. Compared with the missions of the Congress's other support agencies -the Congressional Research Service and the General Accounting Office - CBO's mandate is relatively narrow.

But its subject matter gives it a broad reach, reflecting the wide array of activities that the federal budget covers and the major role the budget plays in the U.S. economy."

In short, the CBO's mandate is to provide congressional oversight to matters involving budgetary decisions made by the executive branch in furtherance of our system of checks and balances; a system that the Vice president of the United States has deliberately attempted to thwart. A situation so unprecedented, that the Congressional Budget Office brought suit against a sitting US Vice President to compel him to release information relating to exactly what he discussed with those criminal managers of the failed Enron Corporation, which is a first in the history of this country. But we hear little about the status of this case in the mainstream media. Why? Because "laws are made by the rich to protect the interests of the rich."

What is believed was discussed at those meetings is the domination of the oil and mineral reserves, and how the US government could use its considerable resources - i.e., political, diplomatic and military - to further this agenda. That is why Cheney has been fighting tooth and nail to prevent those conversations from becoming public, citing executive privilege, which a tenuous legal concept that simply does not apply to a vice president in a largely ceremonial post but perhaps to a sitting president. Given "Dubya's" demonstrable stupidity, there ought not be any wonder that Cheney had the effrontery to make this preposterous argument because he honestly feels he is the wizard behind the curtain and, as a consequence, does in fact run the Bush administration. It has always been believed that the role of president was a figurehead post. Cheney lends credence to this belief by the arrogance with which he has responded to the CBO's legitimate requests.

The events of 9-11 are tied to a failed intelligence operation to try and co-opt oil reserves in the Middle East; an operation that has direct ties to the current administration. The alternative press has been relentless in its reporting on this subject but the information is slowly but surely being leaked by a "deep throat" in the Bush administration fed up with its chicanery and machinations throughout the world; machination that he feels will drag us into a conflagration from which there will be no return. It is important that the American people dig the heads out of the sand and begin to ask the hard questions that will bring accountability to this administration.


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