
Social Justice

With the advent, ascension truly, of Senator Barack Obama [D-Ill] to Office of the President, and Eric Holder as attorney general, the death knell may have finally sounded for institutionalized racism in these United States. Holder set it off Wednesday when he said America was "a nation of cowards" on matters of race, with most Americans avoiding candid discussions of racial issues. The airwaves and world wide web were set ablaze as conservative talk show hosts and their fawning sycophants feigned outrage over Holder's hit-'em-in-the-head truism. For too long black folk have been force fed an unrelenting diet of racism masked as conservatism misinformed in diatribes by the likes of race-hate radio pioneer Bob Grant (WOR) followed quickly by his WABC replacement, a high school graduate named Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Laura Ingraham and reigning champion Rush Limbaugh. Unabashed bigots all who only serve as bottom feeders fanning unsubstantiated fears by an ill-inf