Marilyn Mosby, Esq.

 I am heartened to see prominent attorneys of all genders, races, ethnicities, and hues rallying to Mosby's defense because while she is a passionate, progressive, and articulate defender of poor Black and brown folks, her outsized impact on criminal justice policy as Baltimore City State Attorney made her a convenient target for the hypocritical "law and order" crowd, who believe like Ghouliani and chump the brain dead comic carnival barker aka klueless the klown, the law only applies to those other "folks." And as these people placed a huge bullseyes on this sista's back, they employed other unconscious Black folks to do their bidding, their dirty work. The US District Court Judge and Assistant US Attorney are both Black. And though if it were any other ethnicity or race, that might mean something substantive, with our people, it does not mean shit. I cannot count how many times it was Black or brown people who screwed up a deal, position, or opportunity for me personally out of a misguided sense of duty coming from the follow-the-bouncing ball school of simpism. And we need to use this situation (although Mosby and her supporters - count me among them - cannot speak to this issue, I can) as a teachable moment. The Civil Rights Movement that allowed and enabled many of these folks to achieve upward mobility was not a job fair. The movement was intended to create "equal opportunity" for all of us. And for this Black male Assistant US Attorney to try and make his bones for YT on the frail back of this talented young lawyer is despicable, beneath contempt. And we ought to call this mutherfucker out on his craving for acceptance, adoration, and affection from YT for doing so... And the same for this US District Court Judge. If she does not set aside the verdict, stay sentencing pending appeal, or sentence Mosby to a non-custodial punishment, she also ought to be soundly castigated. Enough with giving these Toms and Jemimas passes when they wreak havoc on our community instead of liberating it by their station: one they would not have if not for the sacrifices of those that came before them.


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