
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Central Park Five According To Donald Trump

   There are many problematic aspects to reality television star Donald John Trump’s presidential campaign beyond pathological lying; invitation to foreign intelligence service to hack into an independent political party’s database; refusal to release income tax returns; bullying, inciting violence; birtherism, nativism, racism and sexism. But none have been more troubling than his call to reinstitute New York’s death penalty in the wake of the infamous Central Park Five jogger case.     The Central Park jogger case concerned the assault, rape, and sodomy of Trisha Meili, a female jogger, and attacks on others in New York City's Central Park, on April 19, 1989. We wrote about the case over a year ago. The “mainstream” media just this past week picked up the story with renewed vigor.    Trump took out full page ads full-page advertisements in all four major New York newspapers calling for the return of the death penalty recklessly and prematurely condemning four black

Response to a Racist...

Deluding you and your cone hat-wearing, pot-bellied drinking buddies with made-up facts does nothing to instill guilt in either me or any other progressive black educated in American post-secondary educational institutions. When your stinking, STD-ravaged, murderous, inbred forebears were brutally eradicating the East Coast of Native Americans in the early 1500s for WASPs to settle there, ours were being forcibly removed - primarily from the East and West Coasts of Africa - by barbaric Portuguese slavers with the assistance of rival African tribes who had no clue about what they were about to subject their fellow Africans; and, consequently, winded up in slave trading posts up and down the [American] colonies, before being shipped into the Deep South where they were forced under the whip to pick [cotton from sun up to sundown in the malaria ridden, venomous snake and insect infested, sweltering swamps] your forebears into an envious system of prosperity that has never been known