Low Infomation Whites Dying At An Alarming Rate

  A startling new economic study out of Princeton University found that working class whites without high school diplomas between the ages 45 to 54 were experiencing significantly higher than normal morbidity and mortality rates. The study compared working class whites living primarily in Appalachia, the Mid-West and the Deep South to similar working class whites throughout the industrialized English speaking world.

   The correlations to “similarly situated” blacks these same poor whites loved to defame for unmerited “victimhood,” “race baiting,” “playing the race card,” and “dependency” are equally startling. Co-factors such as low, under or unemployment, high poverty, stress, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, drug and alcohol abuse abound within these populations. Sound familiar? It should.

    Blacks have been enduring these same pathologies since Reconstruction: dying young, and then being blamed unfairly for deep-rooted socio-economic conditions relentlessly driving high morbidity and mortality rates in the African American community. “Lazy,” “shiftless,” and “irresponsible” are recklessly bandied about by ignorant inbreeds inarticulately employing dated slang like “boss” “my man” ex cetera implying that they are - equal to if not hip nonetheless - better than any niggra they know. The racist sentiments are spewed mostly by poor white trash who can barely form a sentence more or less write one but reflexively resort to conservative “talking points” – i.e., generalized, racist presumptions - about complex socioeconomic issues they can barely comprehend.

   Poor and working class whites tortuously defend the status quo deploying like automatons, employing well-worn tactics, hackneyed catchphrases like “self-responsibility” that essentially blame blacks for their own oppression. They conveniently provide cover for the country’s real power structure – comprised of roughly 150 families - for unasked and unanswered questions regarding the growing wealth inequality gap between blacks and whites.

   The latter group of whom directly benefited - in some cases only 5 or 6 generations earlier - from 250 years of uncompensated labor by enslaved Africans; a brutal system of chattel slavery that created white privilege and generational wealth on the broken backs of black folks leaving them in dire economic straits with a low standard of living that fuels many of the very same pathologies made evident by the Princeton study.

   The flawed analyses these “low information” types regurgitate from bubble headed, blond bombshells with their big tities and short skirts barely covering well-formed, crossed legs, CFMP (Come Fuck Me Pumps), showing a teasing amount of bare skinned, alabaster thigh -- for the drooling, sloped forehead demographic FOX News employs these “journalists” -- to target representing a classic “bait and switch”. One that pits poor and working class and middle class whites against working and middle class blacks, who should be natural allies. They have more in common than not.

   Case in point, former Republican presidential candidate Gov. Scott Walker (R-Wis.) was allowed free reign to engage in union busting activities by unilaterally eliminating collective bargaining for public sector workers. Instead of working class whites joining in the campaign to oust Scott, they cynically voted against their own best interest enviously figuring they did not enjoy what they mistakenly perceived as overly generous benefit packages and competitive salaries that some public sector workers did (interestingly, a labor pool where blacks are over-represented), why should they care about collective bargaining.

   Emboldened by Walker’s success, which was funded in large measure by rich vested interests through various super PACS, presidential candidate Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio), and beleaguered Gov. Rick Snyder (R-Michigan) both attempted to push through similar legislation in their home states. Fortunately for public sector workers in those states, both Kasich and Snyder were soundly defeated. Historically, union success in collective bargaining benefited all workers.

   However, the power structure routinely rolls out the “divide and conquer” strategy to prevent these two similarly situated socio-economic groups from aligning, effectively leveraging their resources to push back against race-to-the-bottom type wage concessions, which have decimated the working class in this country.

   Through conservative think tanks hawking policy papers couching a conservative agenda in a far more palatable Libertarian perspective, white working class Americans have for 40 years been indoctrinated by a false narrative vilifying the Social Security Act of 1935 as a communist inspired social experiment all dressed up in socialist garb, which was successfully expanded under every subsequent Democratic administration except Bill Clinton's.

   Social engineering in the form of entitlements (read that: "hand-outs") had run its course. And these programs now needed to be reined in under the guise of balancing the budget right on the bowed backs of those least able to sustain such a harsh ride. But there has always been income redistribution in one form or the other in this country.

   Eliminating already slashed-to-the-bone entitlement programs funded by the Social Security Act would cause immense hardship for many vulnerable populations lacking the means to share resources or resources to stave off inflation, health care, energy and food costs, and daycare - all of the programs that are subsidized by the so-called "welfare state."

   Widespread elimination of collective bargaining would have a similar disastrous effect in driving down wages, allowing employers to terminate employment with little or no cause, which would also be an unintended consequence of creating a hostile work environment, and increased participation costs for fringe benefits. We see significant evidence of worker protection erosion by looking at discouraging employment data from “right-to-work” states.

   The wizard behind the curtain emblemized by the oligarchy that really runs the country (right into the ground) disdains poor and middle class whites just as much every other social class that does not share their station in life. In common parlance, the term "social class," is usually synonymous with "socio-economic class," defined as: "people having the same social, economic, or educational status," e.g., "the working class"; "an emerging professional class."

   Until poor and working class whites (especially high school educated males) more concerned with being card carrying members of the white race than they are with realigning their worldview to appreciate that a rising tide lifts all boats begin to embrace this simple truism, we will continue to lose ground on progressive in contrast to regressive public policies.

   America’s once enviable standard of living will continue to erode while rich folk like Mitt “Daddy Warbucks” Romney of the 47% fame laugh all the way to the bank. And simple-minded, naïve whites - with their unrequited love of the Great White Father - continue dying from FOX inspired propaganda “at an alarming rate.”


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