National Action Network executive Director Tamika Mallory out, Washington Bureau Chief Janaye Ingram in...

Al Sharpton quietly fired National Action Network executive director Tamika Mallory over the Labor Day weekend. Rumors have been swirling for months that Sharpton was unhappy with Mallory. The abrupt move was spurred by an on air exchange where Mallory joked that she was underpaid. The exchange prompted Sharpton to publically rebuke her for being “smart mouthed…" threatening to “deal with [her] later when I get back to headquarters" on his popular nationally syndicated radio show “Keepin It Real.” Mallory, 33,  spearheaded numerous initiatives against violence, women and children in her four year, high profile tenure with the 20 year old civil rights organization that is headed up by the controversial preacher. Mallory issued a short statement on the organization’s website dated August 29th stating that her work with NAN “is not ending but transitioning into a new exciting chapter of advocacy” without specifying exactly what that new role would be fueling speculation that Mallory did not leave voluntarily but was summarily terminated by Sharpton. She will be replaced by NAN Washington bureau chief Janaye Ingram. Ingram, 34, has worked previously as a model, TV personality, radio host, freelance writer and public speaker. Janaye has also worked with organizations across the country to empower underserved populations and has received numerous awards and recognition for her efforts. She is a board member for the Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network (WEEN) and has started a scholarship campaign for children and youth in impoverished communities called Ambassadors of Hope.


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