
Dem crazy white boys …

   These “poorly-educated,” working-class white boys ain’t bullshitting. They want their country – read that: “privilege” – back : The unmerited advantage they recklessly wielded (and often employed) like a cudgel over the heads every other ethnic group in America since its official inception in 1492 by white Anglo-Saxon protestants (WASPs) ; repressed folks fleeing oppression and tyranny by the English Crown and Church of England for freedom in the remote wilderness known as America.     Trump got these hillbillie s so riled up they are amassing at the polls like the Syrian Army preparing to breach the gates of Aleppo . These hick s have really brought into Trump’s game: an empty slogan, “We gonna Make America Great Again” to inform their vote.    What kind of bullshit is that? Man, I wish I could pimp that hard. Shit, the only state we’d be in is a state of bliss if my game was that tight. Funny thing, there is not a brother or sister out there who believes for a se