
Showing posts from February, 2020

Trump The Corruptor

We've been making this argument since 2016. Chump the brain dead comic carnival barker isn't the disease, he's just the symptom ... Chump knew and exploited this dark underbelly of the body politic daring anyone to say anything while he double deals, cheats, lies, bullied, blusters and bumbles his way across the world stage. The current crop of elected officials cannot say anything because they have personally benefited from the corruption. And since chump has been in office, the systems that used to at least perpetuate the image of working have broken down altogether with racist, indolent bureaucrats outright refusing to do their jobs ... And I agree with another poster, if the country really knew how corrupt the government is, it would spur a mass uprising ...

A Faustian Choice

Democrats are in a tough situation. Align themselves with a Socialist Democrat with the winds in his sail, or allow a mediocre politico, who purchased a third (unlawful) mayoralty after terming out as mayor of NYC, to now buy the democratic nomination for president ... 

Code Switching

One thing I have noted  among some in our community  is disdain for reason. It  stems from an anti-intellectual bend predicated on insecurity. We see evidence of this phenomenon when talking to or about smart (or just well read) brothers and sisters by saying they are "talking white..." "Educated" brothers and sisters frequently "code switch" to accommodate folks riding the short bus in life  😆 ...

quid pro quo

The real quid pro quo we ought to be discussing is the implicit if not explicit deal the Grand Oaf Party cut with chump to protect him at the cost of our democracy. It allows his treachery, double-dealing, and ineptitude so long as he signs off on their wish list of retrogressive laws and judges to enforce 'em ...

Trolls and Tropism

Negroes encouraging other uninformed Negroes not to vote is akin to the blind leading the blind Sitting out the caucuses (or not voting in the election) will have one of two possible consequences: one, it will degrade the necessary turnout to win an overwhelming popular vote that cannot be disputed by the antiquated Electoral College representative vote; and, two, will ensure four more years of this ignorant, treasonous, inept, fat, bloated bumbling fool ... I do not believe those sistas are representative of all sistas (who tried to save us from this nightmare in 2016) But I do believe they are being misquoted to shape a narrative that discourages wavering black folks from voting ... And this type of tropism ought to be widely condemned We aren't that silly or naive -- I hope ... We are "woke..." Edit or delete this